029. except you, you can stay

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"Have you heard from her yet?" Bailey asks as she exits room 2308

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Have you heard from her yet?" Bailey asks as she exits room 2308. Charlie hands her the patient chart and checks the clock. 1:58.

"3 pm. If I haven't heard by then, I'm calling the cops." Charlie says to her, Bailey smiles softly and nods her head.

"She's okay, Beck. She just...can't get to her phone right now. She's okay." Bailey reassures her and Charlie doesn't believe it. "I have a bowel resection, do you want to scrub in with me. It'll get your mind off it."

"Yeah, sure."


She stands and watches as the doctors work to save her life. Work to stitch her up and to replace all the blood she's lost. "She's crashing." She hears one of them say and her heart rate plummets. She watches as blood overflows out of her body. So much blood, how can one person have so much blood. "We need more blood, she's losing too much." Someone shouts. "Control the bleeding." She hears. They try and scramble to fix her.

"Please don't let me die." She whispers to herself. She can't die, not yet. She just got her son, she can't leave him now. "Please don't let me die."


Charlie looks up at the clock, 5 minutes. She has 5 minutes until she can freak out.

"How's Clark?" Bailey asks her, her hands deep into her patient's body.

"He's great. He asked for pancakes this morning and of course, I attempted to make them but I burnt them. Addie is better at this parenting thing than I am." Charlie smiles under her mask, she pictures her wife in the kitchen, making pancakes for Clark, chocolate chip of course.

"Hey, when I had Tuck, I had no idea what I was doing. No one does, parenting is a 'fake it til you make it' type of deal. You'll get there and Beck, if you're as great with him as you are with those kids up on Peds, you're gonna be a fantastic mom." Charlie meets Bailey's eyes and smiles under her mask.

"Dr Beck, it's 3." A nurse says to her. She meets Bailey's eyes once again.

"Go, I got this." She says and Charlie nods her head, ripping off her gown and pulling down her mask.

"Hi, you've reached Addison Montgomery –"

Charlie hangs up and leans her head against the wall. "You can't leave me." She whispers to herself. "I can't do this by myself." She takes a breath and calls 911.

"Hello, 911. What service do you require?"

"Hi, I need to report a missing person." She says with a sigh.

"Putting you through to the police." The dispatcher says, Charlie waits, her head leaning against the wall."Seattle PD, how can I help?"

"My name's Charlotte Montgomery-Beck, I need to report a missing person. Her name is Addison Montgomery-Beck, I last heard from her this morning at 7 am." She says in an exhausted tone.

basorexia (a.m.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang