014. you made me hate this city

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"I would like to take you out

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"I would like to take you out." Someone says to her. Cristina stares at the doctor in front of her, then looks around to see if anyone else is around. Her eyes fall back on the blonde doctor, who stands there smiling.

"I don't do that," Cristina says.


"I don't do 'dating' or dating or fancy stuff. I don't have time, I have people to save." Cristina checks the chart in front of her, not paying attention to the doctor.

"Well, will you make an exception? for me?"

Cristina looks up, hands the chart to a nurse and looks Teddy straight in the eyes. "No." She says, the debates her answer. "Maybe." Teddy smiles and Cristina rolls her eyes.


Darcy watches George closely. Trauma is where he thrives, she could see it was what he's best at. "O'Malley!" She calls to him, as the patient he was prepping is taken to the OR. "You're good at this. How would you feel if I mentored you? I think you could really thrive in this speciality." Darcy smiles as George nods his head furiously. "Good, you have promise, O'Malley. Let me help you unlock it." Darcy smiles as another gurney is wheeled into the ER.

"Are you guys still not talking?" Alex asks shovelling pasta into his mouth. Charlie sits next to him, staring into space, not engaging what was going on around her. Meredith and Cristina take their seats at the table, Charlie doesn't acknowledge them. Her friends call her name, but Charlie doesn't answer.

"What's wrong with her."

"Addison isn't talking to her."

Cristina rolls her eyes. "She's such a hypocrite." Meredith and Alex turn to Cristina, waiting for her to expand on her point. "Addison fucked another man and was basically in love with him and expected Derek to forgive her and Charlie kisses one person and Addison doesn't talk to her for a week. Like, please." Cristina says with her mouth full of food. "I love and support Charlie but sometimes I question whether her and Addison will actually truly work out."

"Cristina!" Meredith says with a scowl on her face.

"What?! That's just my opinion"

"You need a filter, Yang."

"Shut it, evil spawn."

"Nice work today, Stevens. Glad to have had your help in there." Addison says with a smile as she scrubs out, Izzie standing next to her. Izzie smiles awkwardly, she has something she wants to say, Addison can tell. She sighs and looks at the younger girl. "What is it?"


"You clearly have something you want to say to me. So, say it."

"Why aren't you talking to Charlie?"

Addison sighs and closes her eyes.

"It's just that, she's been really checked out the last couple of days and I know that something happened whilst she was away but she won't talk and Meredith and Cristina won't tell me. Did you know that they don't really like you that much? Yeah, Cristina has said some things about you that I won't repeat because they are not appropriate but anyway I just wanted to ask-"

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