019. stuck in her daydream been this way since 18

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"I'm sorry," Addison starts with

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"I'm sorry," Addison starts with. She sits on the couch opposite Charlie, her fingers combing the long fur on Klaus' belly. "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you the last couple of months. It was wrong and unfair."

Charlie shrugs her shoulders smiles. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have gone to the wedding." Charlie sighs. "She didn't even talk to me, I made the effort to go to her wedding after she interrupted my life and she didn't even talk to me. That was my first mistake."

There's a moment of silence between them.

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me and then I pulled away. I got the next flight home, I didn't stay there." Charlie doesn't look at Addison as she explains, her eyes are fixed on the sleeping cat beside her. "Can we please just be okay again? I just need to know that you're in my corner because I need you and so no, I do not want an 'out', okay. I want you, I want us, I want...everything but the 'me' right now can't have that. I need to get better, so I can be a wife, a mom, a better doctor. I talked to Amelia, and I need to go to rehab. I researched and found one that I think would work for me."

"Okay." Addison smiles.


She hugs her mom goodbye on the front step and Lisa presses a kiss on her forehead. She fist-bumps her brother and smiles at him, then hugs Nat tight.

"I'll see you when I see you and Nat, take care of my boys for me." She smiles and then climbs into the passenger side of Addison's car.

"You ready?" Addison asks, Charlie nods her head and Addison reaches over for Charlie's hand.

Addison pulls up outside the rehab centre. They sit in silence for a moment. "Charlie-"

Before Addison can say anything Charlie leans over and kisses her. Addison's hand rests on Charlie's cheek and she kisses back. "I don't know when I'll be able to do that again," Charlie murmurs as she pulls. Addison kisses her again. They stay in the car, just kissing each other until Addison realises the time.

"We should get you checked in." She says sadly. Charlie nods in agreement and they exit the car.

"Hi, I called ahead this morning. Montgomery-Beck?" Addison says to the woman behind the desk with a sad smile.

"Ah yes, Charlotte?"

"Hi, that's me." Charlie steps forward with a wave.

"If you could just sign these, then we can get you started." She places a stack of papers on the ledge and Charlie signs them. She sets down the pen and stands awkwardly. "Okay, so you've booked in for a month, every week we'll evaluate to see how you're getting on." She stands up from behind the desk and makes her way in front of Charlie and Addison. "When you're ready if you could follow me, we'll get you settled in." Charlie picks up her bag and follows the woman, her hand grasped tightly in Addison's. "I'm afraid we can't let family members through any further. You'll have to say goodbye here."

basorexia (a.m.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang