To finish off, Izuku can't help tracing over the green outlines drawn across the suit. They only boarder the seams along the sides but the neon dark green was attractive to look at. There was no doubt Izuku's hair colour had been the inspiration!

He wastes no time getting out of bed, but is forced to waste some when he falls to the floor, his legs almost completely jelly. He had to grip onto the scarlet sheets to help him get up, slowly massaging the numbness out of his thighs. His private area had even started to ache, either from previous stimulation, or the yearning for more.

He then slips out of the t-shirt and pants he was wearing, only to slip back into the sleek new body suit, now a little heavier but with better insulation. It was a turtleneck as well and, in one of the pockets, he'd found some elastic gloves. To test his new gear out, he hits the back of his forearm against a corner, the shockproof plate dispersing the impact. It didn't hurt him!

He didn't test it on his chest though - that would already be too much of a risk.

A few gentle knocks sound and Izuku, already being familiar with their exact pattern, signals the visitor inside.

And, of course, it was Tsu.

But she was pinching her nose tightly.

"Tsu?" Izuku asks, watching with careful eyes as she walks in.

"Pre-Pre-Heat," she simply says, but quickly so she didn't run out of breath. It made sense, with all the arousing horny Alpha pheromones that waft through the air. "O-Omega servants aren't really allowed in here anyway ~ kero."

"So, wh-why are you here?" he asks again, still slightly anxious for whatever news she'd bring. Her hair was rather nice today, actually. A pretty bow at the bottom of her loose hair.

"They're l-leaving soon ~ kero. Meet them o-out front." And, luckily, Izuku knew where about the lobby was in this maze!

"Thanks, Tsu!" he chimes, beaming a quick smile at her, and she beams one back.

'Still reminds me of Ochako.'

He does as instructed, leaving the mafia leader's room and heading down two flights of stairs, walking down a bit one way before realising he'd taken a wrong turn when he finds himself close to the main hall. So he turns around, going back the way he came and then a bit further, hesitating before taking a certain left and continuing down until he reached the platform that led right to the steps down. And behold! Down below stood Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, Sero, Mina and Jiro.

But no Bakugo?

This gave Izuku a bit of uneasiness. No Bakugo meant that the advisers were now on their own. And, whilst he did slightly trust Kirishima and Kaminari, the rest hadn't quite earnt his good side yet.

They wore similar outfits, although theirs were more worn with time. Their outlines were also different: Kirishima had red, Kaminari yellow, Iida dark blue, Sero orange, Mina a pastel pink and Jiro violet. But what colour would Bakugo have? Maybe red, like Kirishima?

"Hey Izuku!"

The Omega's eyes snap open, realising that he was still at the foot of the stairs, and hurries to make his way down, his heart sinking with each step as the group of generals seem to get bigger and bigger and bigger. They all tower over him, and the extreme sense of inferiority succumbs Izuku.

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