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When I opened my eyes, Damon was asleep. I sat up slowly, trying not to wake up. He moved slightly when I did, but thankfully remained asleep. The plane was quiet, and I checked the clock on the corner of the TV. It was ten at night, so I had been asleep for around seven hours.

My throat burned slightly, and I winced as I rubbed it. Hoping that Damon had packed some blood, I dug under my seat for the backpack. Opening it, I found two large drink bottles and opened one. It was definitely blood.

Checking around me to make sure no one was watching, I took a sip of the red liquid. It was human blood, not animal, but that didn't surprise me, since it was Damon. But there was something different about it, and I took a larger drink to figure out what it was. I put the cap back on the bottle as I swallowed.

I coughed, and my throat started blistering. The blood I had swallowed came rushing back and stained my shirt, my chin, and my neck. People around me had woken up as I cried out in pain. Damon opened his eyes and looked panicked at the sight of me.

"Vervain in the blood." I gasped, and coughed again, more blood dribbling down my chin. The air hostess rushed up, having been alerted by fellow passengers.

"Miss, are you okay?" She asked.

"Does she look okay?" Damon growled, sounding annoyed. "Do you have a towel?" The airhostess shook her head, but then another person walked up, holding a towel. I scrambled away from him as the air hostess took the towel and gave it to Damon, who hadn't noticed the man yet.

"Go and tell the passengers that nothing happened." The man compelled the air hostess. She walked away as Damon held the towel to my mouth, clearing away the blood.

"Klaus." I gasped as my throat began to heal itself. Damon looked up, and his eyes hardened when he saw the man standing there.

"Do you think this is funny?" Damon asked. "Poisoning our blood with vervain?"

"I only wished to announce my presence." Klaus shrugged.
"A simple hello would have sufficed." I snapped, taking the towel from Damon and wiping the blood off my skin. My shirt was ruined, but I didn't really care. "What do you want?"

"You see Elena." Klaus sat down on the edge of our seat, and I moved away, closer to Damon, who wrapped a hand around my wrist. "You were supposed to remain human so that I could create more hybrids."

"It was an accident." Damon told him. "She went off a bridge when she had vampire blood in her system. It was not intentional."

"Even so, that's not helpful to me." Klaus said, as if we were having the most normal conversation. "I want you to take the cure."
"No." I shook my head.

"The cure doesn't work like that. If she takes the cure, and you take her blood, she will die." Damon defended me.

"I'm well aware."

"You can't have her."

"I believe otherwise." Klaus shook his head. "If you wish for Stefan to live through the week, you will come willingly with me. "

Damon and I both froze at the mention of Stefan, and the look in Klaus' eyes told us that he wasn't joking. He would kill Stefan if I didn't cooperate. I had no choice. Stefen would not die because I wanted to live.

"I'll let you two have this last time together, but I will not let either of you out of my sight until I get my answer. You have three days before I come back." With that, Klaus stood, and walked away, disappearing.

"Damon." I turned to him, my voice scared.

"I know." He drew me into his arms and held onto me tightly. "I know."

"I can't let him die, Damon." I whispered against his chest.

"You won't have too. And you're not going to die either." He promised.

Neither of us could fully believe the promises that he made. But for now, it was all we could do to hang onto them.

So we just held each other tightly, hoping for the best.

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