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Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie, Enzo, Jeremy, Alaric. They all looked bewildered at the sight of me in my car with an unconscious woman in the passenger seat. No one moved as I got out of the car and went around to get Celine out. I carried her a little more gently in my arms towards my friends.

"We need to protect her." I told them. That was all they needed. Stefan nodded, and walked into the house to lay Celine on the couch, still completely out. Still, no one had said a word. But Caroline, caring as she always was, went and sat on the floor next to Celine. She would probably be the best person for Celine to talk to when she woke up, and everyone knew it.

My eyes were already on Damon, ignoring everyone else, who were evaluating me, not sure if I was good or not. He was looking at me with disappointment in his eyes, like he was wary of coming near me in case I tricked him again. The thought of him not wanting to be near me brought tears to my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away. When I looked at Damon again, his face had changed. He looked at me with relief in his eyes.

I was about to move when he did. Damon walked very quickly across the space between us, his hands grasping my face. I barely had time to even blink before he was pulling me close, and he was kissing me. Damon kissed me passionately, and I kissed him back, almost crying at the feeling of being back in his arms. I twined my arms around his neck and held on tightly, even when we pulled away a long moment later.

I buried my face in his shoulder, my body slightly shaking with silent tears. Damon wrapped his arms around my back and hugged me tightly, one of his hands gently stroking my hair. I felt him nod, and knew that he was probably giving everyone else the all clear. I looked up.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed, not just to Damon, but to everyone. "She was controlling me. Everything I did." They had no idea what I was talking about but nodded anyway, knowing I would explain later.

"Shh." Damon stroked my cheek. "Elena." It was then that I realised I was crying hysterically, but I couldn't make myself stop. "Come on, I'll take you upstairs." I nodded, clutching one of his arms as I struggled to walk properly.

We walked out of the room and we were about to walk up the stairs when Damon picked me up, bridal style. I wanted to protest but didn't, leaning against his chest and closing my eyes as he walked us upstairs. I only opened my eyes again when he lay me down on our bed.

"You'll be okay." Damon tucked a blanket over me and sat on the bed next to me. "Get some rest."
"Wait." I reached in my pocket and held up the tuning fork. "The woman downstairs, her name is Celine. She's a siren. This hurts her, so give it to her so she can trust you. Tell her that you'll keep her safe from Sybil, and that I'll explain everything later."

"Sure thing." Damon took the fork from me. "I love you."
"I love you too." I mumbled, exhausted from everything. Damon leaned down and kissed my forehead, lingering there for a moment before he left.

I fell asleep quickly.


I woke to a rustling noise. It was dark outside. I blinked and let out a small cry when something touched my arm.

"Just me." Damon whispered. "It's okay." I relaxed. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I met Damon's gaze in the dark. He reached out an arm and pulled me against him. I pressed myself as close to him as I could, curled up in his arms. Feeling his lips on my forehead, I sighed.

"Damon?" I asked after a moment.

"Yeah?" He started slowly pulling his fingers through my hair.

"I love you."

Damon let out an almost silent laugh, and his fingers curled under my chin, tipping my head up to look at me. I smiled softly in the dark and my eyes slipped closed as he brushed his lips against mine, kissing me lightly.

"I love you too Elena." He murmured. "And I will love you until the moment I take my last breath."

"Me too." I rested my head on the pillow next to him, still enclosed in his strong arms.

Slowly, I fell asleep.


When I woke up in the morning, Damon was lying next to me, eyes open, just looking at me. He smiled and moved forward to kiss my forehead.

"Good morning." He said, smiling. "Did you know that you're beautiful when you're asleep?" I giggled. "God I love you so much." Damon kissed my lips, deep and full of love. I was struggling for breath when he finally pulled away.

There was a shout from downstairs, and I recognised it as Celine. I sighed and Damon did too.
"Saved by the siren." He mumbled. I let a tiny laugh escape as I sat up, and Damon took my hand. We went downstairs together, to find Celine standing near the fireplace. She looked terrified. Caroline - holding the tuning fork - was trying to reason with her.

"You!" Celine gasped as she saw me. "What did you do to me?" I let go of Damon's hand and went to stand next to Caroline. Taking the tuning fork from her slightly shaky hands, I held it out to Celine.

"We don't want to hurt you." I promised her. "Take it." Celine studied me for a second, and then she straightened up, walking towards me and taking the fork from my hands. "Look." I sighed. "I know we got off to a bad start. Sybil had ordered me to capture you and take you to her. I managed to get out from under her control, and I took you away. I don't know why she wants you or the tuning fork, but she won't get it."

"You knocked me out and kidnapped me, twice." Celine retorted. "How do I know I can trust any of you?"

"You don't." I agreed. "But if I wanted to hurt you, I would be holding that." I motioned to the fork in her hands. She looked down at it.

"Why help me?"

"Because when Sybil targeted me, it hurt people." I looked at Damon. "I hate her, and I'm not letting her get what she wants." Celine saw the raw truth in my words and grudgingly nodded.

"For now." She paused. "If you will protect me, then I will help you. But how could you keep Sybil from finding me?"

"I believe that's where I come in?" Bonnie called from where she was standing, one of Enzo's arms around her waist.

"What could you do against a siren." Celine dismissed her. Everyone else rolled their eyes, and Bonnie flicked her hand.

A huge wall of fire burst out of thin air, crackling loudly. Celine jumped and almost tripped over her own feet as she moved away from it. A second passed, and Bonnie let her hands fall. The flames disappeared, with nothing left to suggest that they had ever been there.

"I can protect you." Bonnie said. "But you're going to help us destroy this Sybil person, whoever she is."

"My sister." Celine mumbled. "I'd like nothing more than to see her dead."

"I can..." I started, but Damon pressed a finger to my lips.

"They can handle it for a while." He said. "I need to show you something."

I looked around at my friends, who all looked like they were in on something, and I had no idea what it was. They all nodded eagerly, and Bonnie and Caroline came over to me.

"I love you Elena." Bonnie hugged me tightly. Startled, I hugged her back, extending my other arm out to Caroline.

"I love you too." Caroline said.

"I love you too guys. But what the hell is going on?" I asked. They both laughed and shook their heads.

"Go." Caroline said as we let each other go. "We'll take care of everything."

"Okay." I took Damon's extended hand, and I followed him.

He led me outside, where his car was parked, two suitcases and a small backpack in the back seat. Mine, and his. I looked at Damon, perplexed, as he opened the passenger door.

"I'll explain everything soon. I promise." He grinned. I rolled my eyes but got in the car, totally not watching Damon as he went around and got in next to me. When he closed the door, I leaned over and kissed him quickly. "What was that for?" He smiled softly.

"Do I need an excuse to kiss you?" I asked.

"No." Damon shrugged, and leaned forward to kiss me. When he pulled away, he took my hand, twisting his fingers through mine as he started the car. He pulled away from the house, and started driving along the main road.

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