Ch 5: Intertwined

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Hello there! I am surprised you made it this far, my writing is hella cheesy but I like the story so far. Hope you enjoyed it too. 


It was now September, another 2 months went by just like that. With the second trimester just about being over. This trimester was easier in relation to the morning sickness. But then I got pregnancy cravings. It was weird, like imagine wanting foods that don't think should be paired together but taste good. Or wanting something that you usually don't like to eat. The one thing that I loved while having these cravings was that I always wanted something sweet. Ice cream, candy, cookies, you name it I wanted it.                  


"Yes, Sakura"

"Can we go out for ice cream?" 

"We just went a few days ago"

"But... I want some more"


"It's not for me, it's for the baby"   *🥺🙏*

"I- ahh, fine let's go"

Just like that, they went to get a scoop or two of ice cream. Sasuke couldn't really say no, why you might ask. Well, one, he couldn't say no to Sakura, that was a given. Two, if not she would throw a fit, which wouldn't be good for anyone. So ice cream it was. But Sasuke wasn't that mad about it, he got to spend time with the one he loves... who happens to be carrying their baby. But this time he had planned ahead, he knew that his girlfriend had taken a liking to ice cream more and more as the pregnancy went on. So it doesn't surprise him when she asks to go out and get some. Using this to his advantage to be even more unexpected. But what was unexpected you might ask, a marriage proposal would be your answer.   

So the two of them were on their way to a local ice cream parlor, one of Sakura's favorites even before pregnancy. Once they arrived they ordered at the window. Sakura as per usual ordered her favorite flavor, strawberry cheesecake, in a waffle cone, with a bit of whipped cream, chocolate sauce spread on top. While Sasuke just got a mint chocolate chip in a cup with a bit of whipped cream because why not. They took their sweet treats to the outside area, pulled up another chair, and sat together eating away at the ice cream.     

"Thank you Sasuke-kun"

"No problem, sunshine"         

A few minutes had passed just enjoying each other's company, and the ice cream. When Sasuke had pulled a small box out from his pocket. He just held it in his hand underneath the table, just waiting. Taking a deep breath, preparing you could call it. 


"Hai" she answered 

"Sakura, I know it's really hard during these times. Given the situation of the world and you. I know you are doing the best you can..." He continued "But I just want to let you know that I love you, and evidently I know you love me back, I can tell. In the way you smile, In the way you talk to me, In everything you do, that involves me." He pulled the box out and opened it placing it on the table between them. "Your the sunshine to my cloudiness, I may not be perfect, all I hope is that I am good enough for you and to you. We've both committed to a new life, forming inside of you. But I'm willing to commit to one more thing with you, for now, and forever. So, Sakura Haruno will you marry me?"    

Sakura was crying tears of happiness. She was not expecting this, at all. She really loved Sasuke. But it was so shocking to her that she was silent, for a bit. 

"Yes! YES! Sasuke-kun. I will"

Sasuke stood up took the box, took the ring out, and slipped it on her ring finger. The ring was a simple infinity ring with two gems. One a ruby representing Sauke's birthstone. The other is an aquamarine gem, representing Sakura's birthstone. 

"It's beautiful Sasuke, it really is"

"Thank you"

" I know you probably want to take an announcement picture, which we still can if you really want to, but we can't post it

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" I know you probably want to take an announcement picture, which we still can if you really want to, but we can't post it. Like at all" Sasuke mentions 

"Yeah " she agreed, a bit sadly. Still teary-eyed from crying. 

"What you said was really bittersweet though, Sasuke"

"Hn, I had a reference to what I wanted to say, but that's what came out"  

"Well I loved it, and I love you too. Thank you" 


And I think I'm going to end that there! I do think this was a shorter chapter, but it was a really sweet chapter. I really hope you guys who are reading this enjoyed and are enjoying the story. there are still a few more chapters left. I'll try to get them up by next week. fingers crossed. Love ya 

- Your Homie 

an unexpected ray of sunshine (Modern SasuSakuSara)Where stories live. Discover now