Valkurse x Aholai - Can We Talk A Bit Longer?

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In the dark of night, a flaming Valkurse was hunting. She was an experienced predator, only coming out to hunt when the night was at its darkest. Ok, cut. She was actually a very inexperienced predator hunting when the bigger, scarier predators would be doing the exact same activity. And she was so hungry she decided to hunt an aholai. She was allergic to necropoison, and that was a bad idea, but of course, at the time she had not known aholai had strong traces of it covering both their skin and fins. The tall grass of the plains didn't hide my brightly colored flames.

For a moment, I admired the aholai. But not for long. Just a moment. The aholai was food, not decor. So I crept my way down, not making even a single thud as I stealthily crawled down my perch. I charged. And I bit it. Yes, stupid move. I bit it. "OW!" I yelped, sneezing. "HAH! DOES NECROPOISON FEEL GOOD!" the Aholai yelled as I realized she had seen me all along. "Oh great .." then I sneezed again. "Wait, I thought necropoison was supposed to make your vision all weird." the Aholai said, to nobody in particular "You guys -" another sneeze "Have venom in your fins?" "Well duh! And its called NECROPOISON!" "H-h-haha very funny." I said, trying not to sneeze. "Oh boy. An allergic Valkurse. Anyways, my name is Yarrow. Yours?" "Hmph! I can't tell my name to my dinner!" I huffed at her and she made a face "Oooo-k." "Oh fine, my name is Scoria." I said immediately after. I had no idea why, but I wanted to keep talking. She blinked at me for a minute and then continued "Taking a nap is the best cure to necropoison." "But ALLERGIES-" "When necropoison goes bye, allergies have no reason to stay." Yarrow explained to me. "Oh." I said, suddenly feeling stupid. And then I started sneezing again. "WHY do I keep sneezing?" I asked Yarrow "That's how allergies work, Scoria." she reminded me "But they're annoyyying!" I whined "Wow, you're complaining to the prey." Yarrow said teasingly as I huffed and turned away "Am not!" 

A crack from the trees nearby interrupted our talk. "Shoot." we both said at once as a kendyll charged out of a tree, heading straight for us. I charged and bit his knee, and then ran the opposite direction - into a pillar, and then, away "Follow me!" I yelled, diving into a small cave that only very small creatures could fit in it. Yarrow was slower. She seemed to not be very good at running for a herbivore. "C'mon already!" "Hey! I'm as fast at running as you are so don't say anything about my speed!" "Aren't herbivores supposed to be faster than that?!" Scoria shouted, and then grabbed Yarrow and shoved them both in the small hole. A growl came from the outside world as Scoria hid behind Yarrow, who rolled her eyes "Coward." but fell silent as a golden, slitted eye gazed down at them both. But then, it lifted. And charged from the other side. But it was too short. Again, it tried to find an entrance. "So you gonna sleep or not?" "Riiight ... about that ..

Can we talk a bit longer?"

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