Lmakosauradon x Saukuryn - Fate

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A saukuryn was in the shibering cold, trying to find some berries to eat. It was helpless out here, and VERY hungry. It needed to eat very soon or else it would be as good as dead. A twig snapped.

"Who goes there???" the saukuryn said with an aggressive growl. Suddenly something bit her side as the saukuryn flapped into the winter air, the bitter cold biting at the fur. 

Sakura suddenly threw off the predator to find that it was a young ikoran who was snarling and snapping. 

Sakura dived down and started to attack it as it screeched and she leaped into the air again to find a pack of 6 advancing towards her. She let out an aggressive call and spread her wings, flapping them majestically to get the pack's attention as sh charged, killed one and ran towards the next, smashing it into the wall.

 The rest of them whimpered and ran away..but they weren't looking at her. 

She turned around to find an adult Lmako, looming over the ground as it growled very slightly at the ikorans. "Your safe now." it said kindly with a smile, and at the worst possible moment, her stomach growled.

 "You seem hungry," it said kindly, walking very slowly towards a patch of leaves. It sat down and said, "Lets feast for a bit.". It was clear in here to see the lmako was a teen, like her, and was a mix of whites and pale blues.

 "What's your name?" Sakura asked the lmako, "It's Winterwind, how about yours?" "Sakura," she responded simply as she started to graze for her now grateful stomach as she sat down.

"That's pretty," Winter said serenely. "Yours is prettier," Sakura responded with a smile. "I'm dying to drink, let's go!" Winter said cheerily as she hopped over to a lake and shivered as she drank a bit of water. Sakura also shuddered at the piercing cold taste of it.

"So, you are an adult, right?" but Winterwind only blinked and responded "I'm a juvie" as Sakura blinked. She was an adult and she was bigger than her!!!

"Winterwind, your kind must be huge!!!" "They are tier 5s..also Lmakos dont do parents." Winter mumbled as she stared into the water. "Saukuryns leave their parents at age 33." Sakura said.

"I guess that makes two of us" Winterwind said with a smile.

And all because of one string of fate.. Sakura thought dreamily

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