Knalriki x Sleirnok-Drowning (Part 1)

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A blue-green knalriki was looking for something to hunt.

The weak knalriki was skinny, and looked starved too.

"By all the kens' teeth, I'm hungry.." he muttered, scavenging for some food, looking behind branches. But this was famine, and famine had barely anything to eat.

He was looking at the dead grass beneath him, sighing.

"This isn't good. I might starve if I go on without food any longer.." he said, his skinny legs weakly trotting on the ground.

"I hate this.." he heard a faint voice from far behind him, kicking the grass too it seemed like.

But--PREY! Finally, some prey!

The knalriki turned around, with new, profound energy as he charged towards the sound.

He heard a yelp as his teeth ripped into skin, but he soon felt a kick in his mouth.

It was a sleirnok.

It snarled and reared up, kicking the retreating knalriki more.

He didn't have a name-he was born in this famine, where he was a 'waste of space' to the pack, so they banished him-well-before he could get a name.

The sleirnok started to rip at his skin as he screeched, biting it and making it bleed.

Him and the sleirnok scrambled up almost instantly, circling each other dangerously as both snapped angrily.

The sleirnok seemed to notice his condition and aimed for a killing blow at his stomach, but the knalriki scrambled away, diving into the water.

The sleirnok pursued him there, too, unfortunately.

It kicked him far below water as bubbles started to appear from his mouth. "Hrmphh!!" he screamed, distorted by the bubbles as he tried to latch onto the sleirnok.

The edges of his vision were fading, darker and more monochrome by the second.

He struggled and thrashed against the brutal sleirnok, who held one of their limbs to his neck.

Slowly, the knalriki started to stop resisting as he lost strength within his limbs, his eyes closing, as the water dragged him far below the waves, and everything went black.

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