Polymonstrum x Qurugosk-Scary

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A qurugosk was sitting down near the central pond.

Flashbacks-- "You freak. Leave and don't come back." as the qurugosk let out a deep sob in his throat.

Was he really a freak?

Did he really look like an alien?

Was he really not meant to exist?

His name was Constellation, and constellations were something beautiful.

So why did people think he looked like a monster?

Would he ever find someone who actually cared for him?

Would he really be able to find someone his soul was able to sync with him?

Or would he be alone forever?

The thought made him shudder like some creature would in winter

He looked up as he saw leaves falling.

It was going to become winter soon.

--------------------------------------A Few Months Later------------------------------------------

Winter had arrived.

And Con was still at the lake, occasionally sobbing his heart out or trying to swim without freezing off his own head.

Suddenly, something leaped out of nowhere and pounced onto the poor qurugosk. 

It was a polymonstrum.

"Who are you!!" it snarled at Con, who's face was still wet from crying earlier.

He paused as he soon begun to realize Constellation wasn't a threat. Or not.

"Who are you" it snapped once again

"I'm Constellation" the qurugosk said before trying to walk away.

"No. Stay. Tell me why you got your face wet.

"No reason" Con mumbled before trying to walk away, once again

"I know you were crying, now tell me why!" the polymonstrum snarled.

It didn't look to be very friendly.

"Now." it said in a firm yet threatening tone.

"Everybody thinks I'm scary. I got kicked out of my own pack because I'm too freaky to fit in." he muttered before crying once again.

"Your not creepy," the polymonstrum said with a small smile.

Look at me." he said before Con realized he, too, looked scary.

"Don't let them get you down. Stay with me." the poly said

"What's your name?" Constellation asked

"It's Mantis." the green polymonstrum said.

He had finally found a friend..or more..and one who was too, scary.

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