Log: 19 April 1983

723 19 0

Zooming onto a female and male figure, the lens slowly adjusts as a muffled voice catches the attention of the two, their heads turning to face the camera as the golden themed male smiled, the female's face hidden away behind a mask.

"Come on Mari! Don't be a party pooper!"

The camera shakes as the male softly laughs, turning the camera around to face him, his colour palette the same as the male before him, "Besides. Henry says that your mask will just scare more people away."

"Not funny Spring."

'Spring' rolls his vibrant green eyes, aiming the camera at the the other male as he fixes up his suit, Mari standing next to him with her arms crossed and a barely visible glare.

"You two ready?"

"Yes sir!"

Spring turns the camera to face a young ginger with messily combed hair and a scruffy beard. He pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose before noticing the camera and marching over to the rabbit, the footage flicking between the men and floor before focusing on Henry's shoes, "I told you not to touch this."

"Sorry Henry."

'Henry' sighs and chuckles lightly, "It's okay pal. I'll make sure to record your performance tonight. But for now it's time to greet our guests."

The video sways as Henry turns it around in his hands, the footage cutting off with a soft click to signify the end of the video.

"I miss them..."

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