"Must be the guards from earlier." Phil suggested and T shrugged,

"I'm not sure. But we should stop for now. If there's other people down here, then we don't need to show them you're an avian now do we."

"I suppose not." He Phil stops and releases T before folding his wings in and covering them up.

"We do need to be quick thou-," Phil stopped in his tracks and looked ahead.

"What's wrong....oh..." T's eyes widened a little as they saw light particles. Some were fading while others were just floating around. But when Phil walked past them he looked behind and saw the ones behind him fading.

"These are old." T said as he caught up with Phil, "She left us a trail." He smiled and started running down the tunnel. Phil ran after him.

The two quickly stopped once they saw a body on the ground.

"Oh no.." Phil said and T shook his head,

"No, please, not again." He slowly approached the body and lifted his lantern, "It's not her." He smiled and let out his breath, "Thank the goddess it's not her." He took a deep breath and rolled the body over. They weren't dead. But their clothes were a little burned.

"Y/n?" Phil asked and T shook his head,

"No, this was a creeper attack. But that doesn't necessarily mean she didn't have something to do with it." T stood back up and continued down the tunnel. They came to a split.

Both paths looked ominous, "We can't split up," Phil said, "We need each other."

T nodded and stared down both paths, "They both look the same."

T stopped and stared down the left path, "Do you hear that?" He asked Phil.

Phil looked down the path and just waited. They could both here the faint sound if someone sobbing and whimpering.

"Let's go," Phil said as he walked down the left path. It was significantly darker the further they walked in. They could barely see in front of them even with their lanterns in hand.

Y/N walked down the tunnel. Paranoid that someone was after her like the man she ran into earlier. He was a sorcerer. He told her he had been looking everywhere for her. He was there to take her home. She didn't believe him. Why would her father send a random man to find her?

"Princess Y/N?" The man called out and she shook her head.

"You're mistaken. I am Y/N but I'm not a princess. I will not follow you." She said as she took a step backwards. She was almost as scared of him as she was the dark.

"Don't you see?" The man asked as he extended his arms out, "These light particles are the reason I found you!" He smiled and yelled at her, "You are the missing princess and your father has sent me to retrieve you!"

Y/N shook her head, "You have the wrong person!" She yelled as she tried to run away.

"I'm sorry, princess, but this was the only way they said I could bring you in if you didn't cooperate."

The man took a deep breath before chanting,

Σε σένα που δεν έχεις μνήμη από το παρελθόν σου, κάνω αυτό το ξόρκι και ξεκλειδώνω αυτό που έχει μπλοκαριστεί. Για να έρθουν σε σένα τώρα.

Y/N clutched her head in pain as she fell to the ground. She got onto her knees and grunted. Then screaming out in pain as she felt a rush of memories come to her. She clutched her chest as she felt the scar burn.

She looked at the man through her blurry vision and saw a creeper come up behind him. She wanted to warn him but couldn't do anything but scream in pain.



"Princess? It'll be ok n-ah!"

The man was knocked out onto the ground and a hole was in the wall now. Y/N cried as she remembered everything. She winced and groaned as she slowly sat up and placed herself against the wall of the tunnel.

She thought of Wilbur and Tommy and T. Phil. She thought of everyone she forgot and how they cared for her. She bawled her eyes out from the pain of remembering and the pain of forgetting.

But she knew she couldn't stay here. She had to look for a way out.

She leaned against the wall and kept walking. Making it to a split in the road. Not knowing the way she continued on and went left.

She found a little hole in the side of the wall and decided to sit there and wait. She crawled in and balled herself up. Careful not to be seen.

Remembering Drista telling her that they were coming.

"Please, come find me." Y/N said as she went from bawling to quietly sobbing.

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