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Phil was laying in the bed as the wind howled outside the bedroom window. He held onto Y/N as she whimpered and winced. He looked down at her chest and saw the scar from her shoulder to her hip. He wanted to trace his fingers across it but knew that was a wee bit inappropriate. So he sighed and moved her hair from her sweaty face.

"Oh princess, I wish I could help." He said as she lay on his chest. Wondering what could cause her to act like this. It had to be the curse. But why? Why cause her even more pain? Isn't forgetting everyone enough?

"Tommy...." Y/N called out as she breathed heavily and Phil looked down at her. She's still asleep. Must be a nightmare, "bad....idea....no...."

"Tommy? What happened?" Phil quietly asked as he watched her, "We are utterly useless, princess, forgive us." He sighed again. He thought to himself that he really needed to stop sighing. It's bad for his face.

"Tommy...." She whimpered and Phil just kept running his hand through her hair,

"Shhhh, Y/N, just take it easy."

"Sounds like a nightmare," Drista says as she walks into the room. She smiled and held out the necklace, "I fixed it. It took a lot of mana, but she should wake up in the morning." She walked over to the bed and handed the necklace to Phil. He carefully took it and looked at the Amethyst in the middle.

"It's really fixed?"

She nodded and smiled, "Of course, now please, put it on her. I miss my best friend." Drista watched as Phil carefully put the necklace back around Y/N's neck. He felt her forehead and smiled.

"The fever almost went down immediately. Thank you Drista."

"Of course. It makes sense, though, because her mana was all over the place. Of course it makes sense that she was in pain. Where can it go except trying to get out?" She asked as she watched Phil. He kept hold of Y/N and she smiled, "I'm glad she's had such good people around her. I heard that she's cursed. People don't like evil things. Who knows what they did to her in that castle."

"I know. So does Wilbur, Tommy and T. We all know. They've seen horrible things at young ages. Things no child should see or go through. But with those past experiences they know how to handle certain situations." Phil said as he smiled. He didn't mind talking about his boys. He was proud of how far they'd come, "Especially Will. He would spend so much time with her. I believe he spent the most time with her. When T would have to go through lessons at the orphanage, Wilbur would be with the princess. He'd make sure she's alright and talk to her as much as possible."

"Wow, it makes sense. When they first met? They instantly clicked." Drista said as she smiled, "I thought, maybe, it was love? But that's not what she feels for Wilbur. She thinks of him as a best friend. But I think he loves her. But who doesn't? She's an amazing person and deserves the world. But a world of light. Not darkness."

"How did they meet?" Phil asked and Drista smiled.

Ring, Ring

"Hey, Y/N! Will you get that please? I'm a little busy back here!" Dream yelled from his office. There were quick steps coming down the stairs. Not running. It was a quick step. Like a noble in a hurry.

"Of course!" She yelled as she got down to the Apothecary floor, "Excuse me! I'll be out there shortly." She called out.

"Oh, no problem. Please. Take your time." A male voice said as Y/N was putting her apron on. She put her hair up and tied a bow. Cute.

"What can I get for you?" She asked as she walked out. The mans back was to her as he kept looking around, "Don't be afraid to ask for help sir."

"Oh yeah, of course. Im actually looking for a potion of night vision. Im looking for someone and I like traveling at night." He said as he looked through the shelves of potions and ingredients.

"Night? Well how about a potion for speed as well? Whoever your looking for? That way you can see and be quick. The snow on this side of the mountain is good at slowing travelers down." She said as she walked over to the ladder behind the counter. Pushing it to the shelves in the store front, "It's just a recommendation. Of course." She slowly starts climbing it. Her back to him now.

"What a helpful recommendation. I'll take 2 of each. And the ingredients to make them. Along with some bottles and a brewing stand." He said as he turn around. Watching the girl grab material.

"That's an awful lot. Let's see if we can get you a discount." She said as she grabbed two bags of Nether Wart and 2 Golden Carrots, "I'll be down soon."

The man froze as he watched her descend the ladder,

"O-Okay..." he watched carefully as she made it down and smiled at him.

"Excuse me," she gently walked by him and set the ingredients on the counter top. Then pushed the ladder to another set of shelves, "I'll need to grab the materials for the brewing stand as well."

"Y/N?" He called out and the girl nodded. Smiling and grabbing some of the materials to make the stand. She grabbed an empty book before she slid down the ladder. The young girl turned around to face the man and nodded.

"Yes sir, that's me." Y/N said as she did a small curtsy, "Just give me one second to make the stand." She said as she went back behind the cabinet. The man just watched her. His eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N?" He asked again and she looked up,

"Yes? Are you alright sir?" She asked as she finished making the brewing stand. She got some glass and made some bottles. Filling them with water.

"Is it really you?" He asked her as he stepped closer to the counter. Carefully inspecting the girl in front of him.

"It is? I'm confused, do I know you?" She asked. Smiling.

"Ah! Uhm...." He fumbled with his words.

"Y/N! Dream needs you in the back!" Drista tells from the back.

"Oh? But I'm helping a guest up front!" She yells back as she waits for the nether warts to distill into the potion bottles.

"I'll come finish it up! Dream says it's important!" Drista tells and Y/N sighs.

"I'm sorry Wilbur, I have to go." Y/N said before stopping and she became embarrassed, "I-I'm sorry sir! I'm unsure why I said that!"

Drista walked to the front and saw Y/N with her head on the counter and her ears were slightly red. There was a man at the counter and he just smiled and shook his head. Putting his hands up,

"No need Y/N! That's my name, my name is Wilbur. So you're right." He said as he smiled.

"But you never told me it before," she said as she looks him up and down, "But I'd be lying if I said you didn't look familiar." She said,

"It's nice you have met someone you somewhat recognize, Y/N." Drista said as she walked behind the counter, "It makes sense for your memory to slowly come back." She looks at Wilbur, "Don't take it personally, she had an accident a few months ago."

Wilbur and Y/N were just staring at each other. He smiled at her and said, "I get it. We have known each other for awhile. You'll remember me soon, won't ya?" He asked as he kissed the back of her hand. Y/N smiled and nodded.

"Of course I will."

"Do you promise?" He asked and she nodded.

"I promise, Wilbur."

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