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It was late. The whole house was asleep. Even Phil. But not Y/N. She had just woken up. Shifting around slowly and rising. She sat up and looked around. The wind howling outside her window.

"Where am I?" She thought to herself and quickly realized this was Wilbur's house. She tried to turn around but saw a arm around her waist. Her eyes traveled up and saw the blonde man from earlier. She saw past him and the wings on his back.

Y/N gently ran her fingers through his feathers. He shifted in his sleep and she looked down at him.

"Phil..." she whispered as she slowly scooted closer to him. She wiped his hair from his face, "You remind me of an angel." Y/N whispered again.

"Kristin.." he mumbled in his sleep. Y/N was confused but she was curious. She whispered something to herself as her hand has a slight glow to it. She touched Phil's forehead and passed out.

"Kristin! This is not the time!" Phil yelled as he looked down at her. He was flying and Kristin was flying next to him on a broom.

"What?! You're the one who thought it was a good idea to just whip out your wings in the middle of the festival!" A woman with black hair yelled. She smiled and laughed at him.

"I thought the Sol festival was a good place and time to be myself!" He yelled as he dodged arrows and smiled. 

"Well that's like me telling people I'm an enchantress Phil!" Kristin laughed as she looked over at him. Y/N watched through Kristins eyes. It was like she was there. But soon she felt a ping of pain.


"Huh?" Phil looked over and no longer saw Kristin but Y/N in her place. She had an arrow sticking out of her chest. His eyes widened in horror, "Y-Y/N."

"Phil..." her eyes started to tear up as the were suddenly on the ground. He had her in his lap. Wings covering them both.

"Y/N! No, no, no! Not again!" He yelled. He looked down as the girl in his lap changed between Kristin and Y/N, "Please!" He cried as he held onto her, "Please don't leave me alone Kristin!" He tightened his hold on her, "You're the only one who understands me..."

Y/N reached her hand up and touched his wings, she smiled "You're like an angel..." she said to him. Phil's eyes widened as tears rolled down his cheek. Kristin smiled up at him, blood trickling down the side of her mouth, "My angel. Don't cry." She dropped her hand onto her chest, "You have to be an angel to someone else now."

"No, Kristin, I don't want to. I don't want to have another Enchantress or anyone else!" He cried into her hair and she smiled. Looking past Phil and up at the sky,

"It's a beautiful time to be alive, Phil. Don't waste it." She whispered.

"Kristin?" Phil called out. He looked down as saw she wasn't breathing, "No...Kris no! Please! I can't handle being alone again!" He cried as he held onto his deceased lover. His wings drooped and he just cried. The next time he looked down he watched as she turned into Light Particles. But the blood remained.

"Kristin...how can I love anyone else..." he sat there and cried.


Someone called out. Phil looked around and his surroundings changed again, "Wilbur!" He called out as a brunet haired boy ran into his arms. They looked about 12 years old.

"Where are your brothers?" He asked but Will shook his head.

"Dad there's no time!" He pulled Phil's hand and they were suddenly in the garden.

Y/N looked around. She was suddenly younger. About 16 years old. She had a smaller wooden sword. She smiled as she saw Techno but stopped.

"Who is this?!" A man yelled. He was in a knights uniform and had a sword on his hip. He grabbed techno by his hair and held him there, "A trespasser? That won't do!" He smiled as he tried dragging him back.

"Dad save him!" Wilbur called out but he watched as a girl threw rocks at the man.

"Let him go Kleine!" She yelled. Y/N kicked him in the back of his knee and he lost balance. Letting go of Techno and falling backwards.

"Princess Y/N!!" He yelled in anger, "How dare an impudent thing like you attack me!!"

"I-I...you can't bully others!" She stuttered before yelling.

Techno ran away and ran into Phil and Wilbur. Wilbur hugged his brother and Phil did as well.

"I'll show you bullying!" He yelled as he took out his sword and plunged it into her chest, "Not that you'll remember this. You disgusting little thing."

"N-!" Wilbur tried yelling but Phil covered his mouth and shook his head. Y/N gasped as she felt the pain and fell to her knees. She watched as her body started disappearing into white particles.

The wind blew. She looked back. Now her present age. In a field as her body started disappearing. Looking back at Phil, smiling, "I know now, Phil. Don't push yourself."

"Y/N..." Phil said as he walked over to her. Reaching out, "I'll always be too late." He said as he felt the light blow between he's fingers.

Y/N gasped and grabbed onto her chest. Falling out of bed and landing on the ground. Breathing heavily as she tried standing and suddenly feeling lighter. Phil jolted awake at the sudden movement of Y/N and his eyes widened.

"Wh-What's happening?!" He yelled as he watches her breaking up into light like in his dream.

"Phil!" Y/N cried out, "I'm scared!" She tried reaching out to him before completely disappearing.

He sat there in awe and confusion.

"What..." He sat there before jumping out of bed and telling over the floor.

"What the?" Techno was sleeping on the couch but jolted awake to the sudden thud. Soon after everyone else woke up. Wilbur ran into the bedroom and Dream stood at the top of the stairs. Tommy and Tech helped Phil. Drista was still asleep.

"Where's Y/N?!" Wilbur yelled and Phil shook her head.

"She woke up!" Phil yelled.

"She woke up?" Dream asked as he started rushing down the stairs, "Did she just walk out?"

"N-No." Phil said and Wilbur ran out and put on some armour, "Where are you going?"

"Where is she Phil?!" He yelled in frustration.

"She disappeared Wilbur! Like when she does when she dies and disappears into light?! She woke up and started disappearing! I don't know where she is!" Phil yelled as he shoved his son off of him. He can't do this again. Why did he have that dream?

"We need to look around the house first." Dream said as he tried to call everyone down, "I'll wake up Drista. You guys start looking."

"We find her and we protect her. Got it?!" Techno yelled and that all nodded at once and started looking around.

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