Step one: Search

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The sun had risen again, signaling the dawn of a new day. Everyone was either getting out of bed, or just waking up. Here we see Lucifer, Leader of the Demon Faction, just leaving her room to go down stairs and eat. Despite what others may think, she isn't one to get up when the sun starts to shine. This led to her thinking that maybe, she has adapted to this world of blocks. Back in her old world, she would need someone to wake her up. This person she relied on was supposed to be her sworn enemy, but they ended up becoming best friends. It's funny how ironic life can be, two enemies, turned friends by one person. Lucifer suddenly became saddened, she knew not where her best friend was, and she knew not if they were alive. All she knew, was that keeping her promise was important, and she had no plans of giving up on finding her.

???: With a fierce stare like that, I'm sure you'll burn a hole through the table.

Snapping back to reality, Lucifer looked towards the source of the voice. She found Y/N looking at her with a bored expression while he ate steak.

Lucifer: O-Oh! Senpai, when did you get here?

Y/N: Around five minutes ago. What were you thinking about?

Lucifer: A-Ah, its nothing Senpai.

Y/N: ... You know I hate it when you lie to me, Lucifer. Don't make me repeat myself.

Lucifer stayed silent for a moment before voicing her thoughts.

Lucifer: ... I just... wish I knew where Michael was.

Y/N: ... We'll find her soon enough, so just relax a bit. A stressed mind isn't a focused one.

Lucifer: Yes Senpai.

After a couple minutes, everyone else enters the dining room and the room starts to be filled with chatter. In that time, Ameila introduced herself to everyone and got immediately accepted by them. The conversations and laughter kept rising until Y/N cuts them short.

Y/N: Alright everyone, listen up.

The room goes quiet.

Y/N: As most of us know, there are two people who are missing from our group. The plan for the next couple of days is to upgrade our gear and find them if possible.

This raised a question in Lucifer's mind.

Lucifer: But the ores are underground. How are we going to find them, people are usually on the surface?

Y/N: We'll be moving from place to place a lot. That way, we know the layout of the land if we ever get lost.

Another question was asked.

Cupa: Can I come too?

Y/N: Of course, Cupa. Now, everyone grab your tools, food, armor, and whatever else you need. We won't be coming back here for a while.

As everyone went to go prepare for the journey, Dracula pulled Y/N somewhere, saying she wanted to "speak about something". She took Y/N outside to talk.

Y/N: Okay, now that we're here, what is it you ne-

He was interrupted by Dracula jumping onto him and kissing him. Y/N stepped back because of this, but sank into the kiss and explored his new territory. Dracula gave a light moan as Y/N pinched and squeezed her ass, she loved it and began to sink deeper into lust. She felt her lower region start shaking, Y/N could feel it too. Her insides were bubbling, building up and begging for release, this is what she's been waiting for. But it all came to a stop when Y/N pulled away from the kiss and let go of her butt. In one swift move, Y/N was able to unwrap Dracula's arms and legs from his body and lay her on the grass. She was not pleased and was very desperate.

Dracula: S-S-S-Senpai no! Please give me m-m-more! I was j-j-just about to release!

All she got in response was a poke on the nose.

Y/N: Maybe later.

With that, Y/N walked back inside, leaving Dracula to calm down from her sexual high. All she could do was look at where her senpai had disappeared to and mutter in frustration and sexual-frustration.

Dracula: Senpai-Baka... Baka-Senpai...

This was something she wasn't going to forget anytime soon.

When everyone finished preparing themselves, they all gathered at the entrance of the mansion.

Y/N: Alright, we'll be headed north. Then depending on our discoveries, we'll go east or keep north. Remember, no one gets left behind or forgotten.

Everyone: Understood!

With that, they set off north. They're journey wasn't too smooth, nor was it too rough. There were... a few squabbles along the way, which being Lucifer boasting supposedly being the one most connected to her senpai. This got a bunch of unpleasant reactions from the others, even Ameila.

Traveling through The Dark Forest biome meant taking a few stops, whether it be to sleep, eat and talk for a bit, or fight off mobs, none of it was easy. After a couple of days of traveling, they had reached a new biome. The swamp biome.

Kong Ming: This place is rather... depressing. Is there anything of use here?

Y/N: To my knowledge, there are only one or two things useful here. Both of which aren't so easy to find during the day, we'll camp here at the border of both biomes and continue forward tomorrow. Sound good?

Everyone: Yes!

Y/N: Good, now let's start camp.

The sun fell as the moon rose in its place. The camp was set and everyone was asleep in their tiny huts. Almost... everyone was asleep. Dracula was out for vengeance, and was determined to get it. She approached her target's hut and opened the door, only to find it vacant. This confused Dracula until she saw a note on the floor, she picked it up and read it. The contents of the note were very unpleasant to Dracula, and said person began to throw a fit.

Everything was going great... almost everything was going great.




Heavy panting was heard in this stone pit while laughter came from above it. The one panting turned their head upwards to face the source of the laughter. Soon, the laughter died down and all became silent.

???: I love seeing you fight for your pitiful life. It amuses me so... but you could just devote yourself to the one in power of this entire world! You won't have to suffer this every day! Devote yourself to the one who will control all beings and you will rule under him! He-

???2: -Is full of lies! I've devoted myself to one man and one man only! He WILL find the both of us sooner or later! You must be strong my comrade, fight the curse upon you!

The first to speak felt a sudden pain in their chest, but tried to keep up the façade. They walked away after throwing a bed into the pit for the second voice to sleep on, not a word leaving their mouth as they departed. The latter sighed at the situation they were in, but still had hope, knowing her one and only was coming. Though, she wished he'd hurry, she felt her hope slowly slipping from her soul. She didn't know how much longer she'd last, but she wouldn't stop till her body gave out. Finally laying on the bed, she fell into a slumber and started to dream a dream she wouldn't give up on. Not now, not ever, not even after death. 

[Minecraft Harem x Male Reader]A Blocky Haremحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن