......Trust Part 1

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The faint echoes of crying were heard throughout the evil castle. No matter where you stood, you could hear them. The person who was making them on the other hand... is one of the last people that Y/N would expect. Speaking of our protagonist, he was sitting in a red room which looked to be a bedroom.

 Speaking of our protagonist, he was sitting in a red room which looked to be a bedroom

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(A/n: all I can say is; I tried)

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(A/n: all I can say is; I tried)

This was hidden beneath the crimson castle as it had no windows and a clock to replace them.

???: Senpai... senpai......

Y/N sighed; he knew what he had done but hoped it would've passed by now.

Cupa: Y/N, who is she?

Cupa sat on the bed looking at the sleeping person who was occupying it. She knew there was history between the woman and Y/N, and now she was hoping to get an answer.

Y/N: ...Her name is Lucifer, Leader of the Demon Faction.

Cupa's eyes widened but didn't take her eyes off Lucifer

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Cupa's eyes widened but didn't take her eyes off Lucifer.

Cupa: So... is she evil then? Or... is there more?

Y/N thought about how to answer her question in a way that would make the most sense.

Y/N: Let's put it this way; she lets demons be chaotic but not cause chaos.

This only further confused the creeper girl. Her eyes focused on Y/N, trying to signal for more elaboration. Y/N sighed; he knew the explanation he gave was confusing but still said it anyway.

Y/N: Basically, she makes sure that demons don't go killing everything while also letting them have their freedom.

Cupa, who still didn't understand, nodded her head. Y/N got up from where he sat and placed himself next to Cupa, who in turn had moved over to give him space. He placed his hand on the sleeping Lucifer's hand and held it. His gaze was softer than a pillow and lighter than a feather, he squeezed her hand gently.

Y/N: What happened to you Lucifer? Who hurt you this much?


The eyes of a pale woman slowly opened revealing the new scenery. She sat up in her bed, trying to remember how she got here.

???: Look who's finally awake.

The woman's eyes darted to her right showing a h/c male staring at her. Both stared at one another, before she spoke.

???: Senpai... I found you......

Y/N: That you did Lucifer. But, why are you here and not at the academy?

Those words hit Lucifer harder than a truck. What she had done, the things she had forgotten, the promise she made.

Lucifer: I... I failed. I failed you, senpai. And.... I'm so... so sorry. All your work... is now ash......

Tears began to fall once more from Lucifer as she recounted her failures.

Y/N: ...

It was best not to push her at the moment, Y/N thought. It was obvious that whatever happened, had left her with a mental scar. In this moment, it was best to comfort her. And so, he did. Lucifer felt his arms wrap around her, pulling her into a warm embrace. In turn, she leaned in and wept in his arms. She missed him so... so... so... much. His warmth, the way he caressed her hair, the rare times he sang for her... She missed all of it. Eventually, she would have to tell him that they would need to find the others. But for now, she wanted to be in his arms, a place she knew she was protected.











???: This world had taken us in then stabbed us in the back, why do you stand against me sister? We both have suffered the same fate!

???2: ........

???: ...I see. If you want to stay silent, then stay that way.... permanently.

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