Purple, Black, and a little Green

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???: Please open your eyes.

Y/N: No.

???: Why not?

Y/N: It's natural law to never look at an enderman. So, I'm not going to take my chances with a female enderman.

Here we see our protagonist laid down on his bed with his eyes closed as a humanized female enderman stands over him continuously asking him to open his eyes, but he refuses.

???: When will you open your eyes then?

Y/N: When you're not around, I'm not trying to get killed anytime soon.

???: If you look me in the eyes, I promise not to harm you.

Y/N: I can't say that I trust you at the moment given who were strangers to each other.

???: ....I see.

After a few seconds past, Y/N remembered the rule was to never look an enderman in the eyes. As long as he didn't look directly at her, he should be safe. But still remain cautious. He slowly opened his eyes to get a view of where the female enderman was. He found her standing to his left and immediately averted his eyes to the right.

???: At least you've opened your eyes now. But let's get to introductions, I am Amelia the female enderman.

Y/N: I'm Y/N, but you somehow already know that.

Y/N makes his way over to the armor stand and starts to equip his armor and tools.

Y/N: Anyway, why are you here? I don't remember having guests over.....

Amelia: I wish to live with you and see how well you fair in this new world. And who knows....

Amelia grows a heart-filled and lustful smile.

Amelia: Maybe something will blossom between us, sooner than expected~

Y/N: Your advances are meaningless given were both strangers to each other.

Amelia quickly changes back to her normal emotionless facial expression.

Amelia: I see. Anyways, do I have your permission to live here?

Y/N: Can't say that I trust you and assuming you've been doing fine on your own, I won't allow you to live here. Maybe further down the line when we get to know each other, sound fair?

Amelia: Fair enough.

They proceed to adventure out of Y/N's house heading North-West of it only to find a fair-sized hole in the ground. At first glance, you could only see coal. But if you looked closer, there was also iron, lava, and a couple of zombies walking around aimlessly. Which also begs the question......

Y/N: Amelia.

Amelia: Yes?

Y/N: If I were to kill an enderman, how mad would you be?

Amelia: In all honesty, I wouldn't care. Most of the mobs don't think before doing anything. With that said, I have friends who can think for themselves. Although, some of them don't live in the overworld.

Y/N: Hmmmm, alright then.

The duo proceeded to go down into the cave, Y/N immediately takes action by killing all the zombies. Traveling further down, Y/N and Amelia find more and more mobs causing Y/N to take out his shield so he can block incoming attacks. After three hours of fighting, mining, and trying not to look at Amelia's eyes or bazookas, Y/N finally found a large pool of lava. He proceeds to mine around it in hopes of scoring diamonds.

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