"Enjou-san you best choose your words carefully."Kokomi advised with a shocking frigid tone.

"Woah easy now, give me a moment to gather my thoughts to explain how I got down here."eased Enjou swiftly. He wasn't given that chance as he soon had Xiao's spear head pointed at his throat. The young yaksha's eyes sharp and his pupils narrowed to dangerous slits.

"Talk, now. Your not from Watatsumi let alone Inazuma. In fact you reek of corruption, which is most curious."Xiao hissed. Enjou to his surprise easily moved the divine spear of jade away from him with just one finger. 

"My, my so swift to act. But you aren't wrong as I am sure you've noticed this by now that Enkanomiya is a netherworld of sinners, stuck between three realms, yes?"he began. The small group eyeing him with suspicion.

"Eru and many shades did inform us of this yes."confirmed Lumine keeping her eyes on the man as he circled around to examine the body of the fallen beast. Taking what seemed to be various samples he stored away for later. Enjou soon walked back around them as he continued, "I am one such sinner — abandoned and tossed aside by the gods for my sins of deception and betrayal."

"Wait, wait!"Paimon wondered in confusion, still not understanding the situation. "Paimon doesn't get it...W-what are you trying to do, Enjou?"

"Do tell what did you really come here for? I know all the people of my island and staff and military. You are not from Watatsumi."Kokomi pointed out crossing her arms with a glare. A glare that was frighteningly similar to the very beasts they had just fought.

"I came here searching for certain books. These books contain historical records of things that had transpired before the creation of the Dainichi Mikoshi.  These book are chronicles known to the people as the 'Times Before Sun & Moon.' In those times no gods walked the earth and the land was a single civilization."Enjou explained making everyone's eyes turned wide. Unsure what to make of this drop of information. But...Lumine didn't seemed so much surprised, more like she was deep in thought. Why? They weren't sure.

"Are you really telling the truth? The bards all claim that the time when the gods walked the earth is as far as the world goes."Paimon asked. Kokomi nodding in agreement at the fairy's words.

"My records also mirror what Paimon has stated."agreed Kokomi. 

"I believe you."Xiao stated bluntly but kept his grip on his spear. Lumine standing beside him as she summoned her sword. 

"As do I."agreed Lumine. "But why search for such books?"

"I should be shocked but I'm not that the ancient yaksha race knows but you Lumine? I am not."sighed Enjou in amusement. "Those books contain proof we of the Abyss Order need to prove that Celestia came from beyond this world. The only thing I do know for sure is the Great Serpent was executed by Celestia for by mistake reading these records. An entire nation got exiled to the depths and the doors sealed and an expedition from the east was sent to try and recover it. Yes, that's the grand ritual sacrifice of Watatsumi's people to live again like humans. As for the books...i haven't found them."



Put to death over a simple collection of books!? This boggled their minds for many reasons. especially Enjou's little reveal he was with the Abyss Order. Kokomi was in disbelief and shaken to know her people's deity was executed and that the Electro Archon was only the executioner following orders. Xiao was confused and trying to process all this new information as it went against everything his tribe elder and fellow yakshas knew. But also trying to process why Enjou wasn't shocked that Lumine believed the scholar from Abyss. Lumine though was clenching her teeth as the blurred memory of something from her past raked at her mind, far too blurry to recall the figure of a woman. The smell of her beloved celestial asters, the sight of starlight and soft melodies. Huge but brilliant six wings of the entity too blurry  to remember as eyes of golden amber flashed before those around Lumine. it had been extremely faint but Xiao had noticed a black and red energy twine around Lumine's hands like shackles. At first it scared him, fearing she too had fallen to karma...but he realized this was too different. The energy was more like a seal.

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