Chapter 49

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"We open the barrier."

"On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen." T'Challa instructed, pressing his finger on his comms.

"Requesting confirmation, my King. You said, open the barrier?" The dome controller asked.

"On my signal." He confirmed as Natasha and Steve looked at him.

"Mommy, I'm scared." You said shakily.

Natasha sighed as she pressed on her comms, "You're gonna be okay, baby. Just stay with Wanda, alright?"

"But you-"

"I'm gonna be fine, baby. Your mommy is a badass, remember?"

Her response somehow made T'Challa smiled as he looked at her.

"We're gonna be okay." Steve reassured as he reached for her hand and gripped it tightly.

T'Challa started his Wakandan chants before it ended with "Wakanda Forever!" and they all ran towards the barrier which the outriders were killing themselves to get in.

T'Challa started his Wakandan chants before it ended with "Wakanda Forever!" and they all ran towards the barrier which the outriders were killing themselves to get in

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Your both hands were now against the glass wall, looking at the sight in front of you after the barrier was opened.

The Earth's Mightiest Heroes alongside Wakandan army were fighting for their lives to save the world from ending.

"Mama-" You muttered when you saw how struggle she was with only her Widow's bite, batons and her combat skills to take down the four-armed creature.

Things were getting out of hand when thousands of outriders were snarling and attacking them non-stop. You felt weird when your uncle Bruce was in a Hulk-Buster suit instead of his own green guy.

You felt the urge to go down there and help them instead of being useless in this room.

It was when a sudden burst came from the sky and you widened your eyes.

The Bifrost!

Something was flying around the battlefield, slaughtering all the aliens that were near before it flew back to its owner.

"Uncle Thor!" You shouted and looked at Wanda, "Uncle Thor is back!"

But he was not alone. A tree-like creature and a raccoon holding a gun were with him. If Thor never told you stories about the creatures that lived outside of earth and this galaxy, you were surely gonna pass out right now.

You could see the rage on Thor's face as he slaughtered every outriders he encountered.

Thor's entrance seemed to lift their spirits as they continued to fight the outriders.

But something was happening when you saw the trees outside the dome moving before it went past the dome from underground.

A vast number of threshers made its way to the ground and began to shred everything on their paths.

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now