Chapter 25

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• HYDRA Base •
• Unknown location •

"Hey! Food's here. Wake up!"

The sliding sound of a small compartment in the middle of the metal door made you groan from your fake sleep.

One of the henchmen sled a tray through it harshly like he was forced to do so.

Well, sure there wasn't anything in the offer letter that wrote about feeding a kid, right?

You stared at the small bottle of water and two pieces of buns that if you saw it the first time again, you were absolutely sure that it was a rock with a bun undercover.

It was usually just a bun but you kind of made the superior happy and they gave you a reward.

You, who had been showered with variety of food back home, hesitated to eat it in your first few days but the henchmen realized it and that started your torture.

You had no choice though. That was the only edible you got to fill your stomach and away from starvation.

As terrified as you were with your new surroundings, you still wanted to live and you hoped that your mother and your family would come to save you and kill all these bastards.

You didn't have any idea where you were and what day it was already.

But guessing from the time the tray came sliding through the door, you were sure it indicated a day.

So, you started to count the trays you got to know how many days you were here, in the dark and damp room. It felt like you were in a dungeon for a thought.

But when it reached 40 trays, you gave up.

The thought of the last day before you got kidnapped replayed and your mind started to make a conclusion.

Your family didn't care.

Your mother didn't care.

Tortures had became your routine day by day. It started with just a few hard slaps from the henchmen after you didn't stop crying for your mother and they found it annoying.

But the man with the white coat kept his word to make you his lab rat.

And that was where it began the real torture.


"What is this? I've never seen something like this."

The man that introduced himself as Dr. Myers questioned in amazement as he looked through the microscope after getting a drop of your blood on the glass slide.

You were strapped on a table as each of your limbs were tied securely. All you could do was stare at the ceiling as you were curious at what he meant.

"Your blood cells- it's different."

He kept on twisting the lenses and the focus knobs on the microscope to make a clearer look.

"It's like you're coming from a different breed, not like every human I ever tested on. Who are you and where did you come from kid?"

"I think you know that I came from the fucking Avengers when you kidnapped me. It's in the file, read it." You replied sarcastically with your eyes rolled.

You knew what kind of answer he wanted but you kept your mouth shut as the thought of what Natasha told you about how she got pregnant with you played in your mind.

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now