Chapter 41

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"Not enough! Again!"

You jolted awake after you heard the voice of him and realized that it was your nightmare again.

It was not as frightening as yesterday night where you screamed and triggered your earth element power.

And you were sure that you didn't yell in your sleep again as your mother was still sleeping soundly where her arms were wrapped around your waist.

You slowly reached for your phone and it showed 4 in the morning.

You sighed and stared at the ceiling of your room. You decided to sleep in your room but still with Natasha beside you and she was happy to be with her daughter.

With his voice lingering in your head, you knew you couldn't get back to sleep.

Slowly, you removed Natasha's hand from your body and replaced it with your pillow and you were relieved that she didn't move an inch.

"Geez, I didn't know it worked." You whispered.

Knowing Natasha, she would awake with just a mutter of her name. You figured that she might be very exhausted to find the answer to your incident the whole day yesterday.

You tiptoed to the door and opened it very slowly and you cheered to yourself quietly when you were finally out of the room without any sound.

You went down to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab some milk.

With a glass of milk in your hand, you sat on a stool and pulled out your phone.

You had been scrolling into your Instagram feed and seeing your school friends' updates. You were kinda sad that you had lost a lot of your early teenage time.

With the things you had been through, you realized that your life before you had been taken was the luckiest one.

Having a big loving family even though they were not blood related, living with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and the most important one, you had the best mother you could wish for.

Surely Natasha had a rough childhood and she had countless help from the others to raise you to make sure you would have the childhood she didn't get to experience.

You are nothing without your mother.

And she is Natasha Romanoff, the woman that the enemies feared.

"Y/n? Why are you not sleeping, sweetheart? It's still early." Steve said which startled you.

You didn't even realize when he entered the kitchen.

"I can't go back to sleep."

"It's your nightmare again?" He asked.

You nodded and took a sip of your milk while Steve made himself a coffee.

"I hate it." You said.

"I know."

"Do you have it?" You asked.

"I did, when I lost your uncle Bucky."

"Yeah, I forgot about that."

"It'll go away as time passes, sweetheart." Steve smiled, "Even your mother's."

"She had it too? I never knew." You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Mhm. She had it for a long time, but after you were born, it vanished immediately. Like she never got any nightmares about the Red Room anymore the first night she had you in her arms." Steve said.

"She did?" You asked in disbelief but you were touched to hear it.

Steve hummed, "Just remember that you're everything to her, sweetheart. You're the brightest light of her life."

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz