28.) The Best Circus Ever

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~~~Apollos, May 30th, 1951

As I go to the house that he grew up in, I looked for the spirit of a mother, seeing everything through this lens showed me that Lilith had more power than I thought. She didn't use the ability often, and I wondered why. As I continually scan the picture that Marcus gave me, I find myself, looking around even harder until I see it. Two vampires, two caucasian women holding each other's hands, one dressed with a star of David on her and the other wearing a yellow gown. As I look at them, I could see that they were transparent. I walked to them as I say, "Are you Marcus's 2 mothers?' I was taken aback at first, but I knew this was who they were.

The lady looked up as she smiled and said, 'You can see us,' I smile as I say, "Of course. It's hard to miss you," But there was something that was bothering me even more, there were no spirits here aside from them. I thought I would run into more spirits here, more people but no, that didn't happen. As I then asked them, "Could you come with me?" 'Yes, I know why you're here. We've been called to Heaven multiple times, but I'm not leaving without my son,' I see her piercing blue eyes focused on me as she thought I was going to force her to go. "No, I'm here to take you to your son,"

It's then that the other one grabs her hand as she says, 'Really? We can finally see him?' 'Mary, you know we can't just rush there. Remember what the last man offered us and he didn't even honor this promise,' 'You could see through that man's lies as easily as I could. Do you think I would ever believe Clovis, Sue?' 'I'm sorry Mary. I shouldn't have underestimated you.' 'So, then why did you agree?' 'I agreed because, at the end of the day, our son is there,' It's then that she frowns and says, 'You're right. So it's you?'

'I don't know why they said you'd be wearing black armor,' Mary said to me. "I get that a lot. Children tend to embellish," I say with a smile. 'Yeah, they do,' Sue says. 'We've been waiting for him all this time and he hasn't been wrong since. Even though we haven't seen him in a while, I know our son would have been in good hands with you,' Hearing that surprised me. As I say this, I think about those children and I realized how little time I spent with them. It was only for a few weeks, but those children's lives were normal with me. Maybe I didn't pay attention to it or actually, maybe I didn't want to see that.

As I talk to them, they tell me more about being a spirit and as they tell me more about being a spirit and the more I learn, the more I am shocked. The dead were like vampires but different, they had to feed on the energy of humans to stay corporeal or they would pass on automatically. If they suffer from extreme pain or torture they can become poltergeists. If they suffer from extremely traumatic events or died in horrible circumstances, their presence is even stronger. It's like a wound on the soul, something so painful that even the soul can't cope with it. The energy does dissipate but from what I'm hearing, it can take hundreds of years or it could be so bad that it could take even longer.

"Well, I'm here to set you free to pass on," I say to them, getting back to why I was looking for them. 'So you intend to save him and us?' "Yes. I want to save as many souls as I can," It's then that the two women said, 'Thank you. Thank you for saving him. Thank you for freeing us.' "Come with me" The two women agreed and I found myself, wondering what was having two mothers like. My real question wasn't what was having two mothers like, what was having an active parent like? My dad didn't abandon me but he wasn't there, I was very much by myself for a lot of my childhood. I don't think he meant to be like that but I do think his love for my mother is what held him back. Once he realized she was gone, he could never find love, he could never date a woman and I guess that's what made me worry about my dad the most.

That's what also made me realize I had to do a lot of things on my own. If he wasn't going to be there, I had to figure things out on my own. School and all of that, I never got to go to school. I learned how to read because my dad taught me during those times he was there but going to school was out of the question for me. It honestly horrified me, to see white kids until I met Priscilla. She was my first real friend when I was younger, I don't know why but a lot of things imbittered me and a lot of things continued to make me angry about my parents. It doesn't bother me now but sometimes I look at my son and I see how much I couldn't be a parent, it only serves to make me angrier but I couldn't be angry about something I didn't have.

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