36.) Welcome to Montheria Part II

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We were waiting for hours and a recon team had been dispatched a while ago and hadn't returned but something else was off. Why would our lord call us out here? Was it for more training? 'Hey Aiwin, what do you think we are out here?' I hear Ivar ask. I shrug as I say, "I have no idea. This was something I didn't even know about." I found myself, reassured that someone else was confused.

'So the guy who prays to Mothroe for guidance is unaware?' I hear Cozbi say. 'Well, it's not like we have anywhere to be.' Coal said. Ivar's face then shifted in annoyance as he said, 'Did everyone forget what happened in the last few battles?' Coal's eyes shifted to anger as he said calmly, 'I remember. I have the scar to remind myself.'

I think about what happened, and I grip my staff tightly. I should have taken that shit, I keep thinking to myself. He didn't even think about it, he just jumped in front of the blade, and then at that moment, he had a scar on his face. Not only that but that general was much more dangerous than the last one. He knew how to fight all of us at our full power and even outmatched us.

'You okay?' I hear Coal's calm voice, bringing me back to reality. "Yes. Just thinking, how about you?" He smiles as he says, 'Just worried about you.' It's then that I feel a strong aura approaching us, I focus my perception and see a massive grey aura approaching us. 'Hey, do you guys feel that?' Cozbi said in a nervous voice. It's then that she starts to shake, fear gripped her in a new way that had not been seen since him. 'Is-is he here?' I almost collapse to my knee, thinking about that demon.

It was then that I got a telepathic message from our lord. 'Do not be alarmed. I am sending a spirit to talk with you and to aid in this meeting.' I feel instant relief and it's then I hear him say Liemaz is also coming. 'Master is coming?' Coal and Ivar say, simultaneously. It was that serious? I think to myself. 'Hello everyone.' I hear another voice say and I look and see Eesdris.

A tear falls down my cheek as I realize my master is no longer with the living. "Master Eesdris," I hesitate to say my next words, "What happened?" The words could barely leave my mouth without me feeling like I was about to cry. I saw him but I could not believe it. 'I have become one with the universe. I am free, my student.' I smile and say, "Yes, you are."

He smiled as he said, 'I have a few messages I must deliver to you all before I go. Before that, let us partake in communion one last time.' I began to kneel as I said, "Yes, one last time before you go." We all sit in the chairs as we begin to partake. The church was the best place to have this meeting as they were well-stocked in everything and they had the communion that we had been lacking for days.

As I found myself ready to partake in my last communion with my master, I found myself also happy to see him one last time. I knew that he was going to die, I knew that he was going to be gone because he was going to be one with the creator but it didn't make me feel any less sad. 'It's okay,' I hear him say, 'You were one of my best progenies. I've always been happy to have you.'

I began to blush as I said, "Master, you're still embarrassing me in front of my friends.' It's then that Cozbi says, 'Thank you for training him, and thank you for having him stand by us.' I did not expect her to do this. As we all began to partake in communion one last time, Coal and Ivar were quiet as they prayed silently. Before we all began to say our prayer, I thought to myself, where did that massive grey aura go? It was as if it disappeared.

In the moments of our prayer, Eesdris began to say, 'I'll start. Oh lord, who art in the clouds of our infinitely beautiful blue skies. The ruler of our blue skies and the love of his people. Please shield us from the coming night. Please shield us from the 10,000 that have fallen at our left and the 100 that may fall at our right. Please give us the strength to brave any hardship and if it is our time to go, let us go to your infinitely kind grasp. Amen.

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