Chapter 1: The Origins

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Embarrassment was the understatement of the year I was humiliated.

"We're not TMZ or any other tabloid news, Keiran. This is a deplorable article!" Amy screamed, her meltdowns natural and expected. Coast to Coast Daily will never be on the same level as the major tri-state news publishing companies, but I didn't think the article was all that bad.

"Amy, don't you think that's a bit much? Wasn't it you who suggested I write an article about two A-list, er, D-list celebrities?"

She sighs and pushes her orange-rimmed spectacles back on her nose, regaining her composure.

"But that isn't the point, Keiran. The article was mediocre. What happened to the spice? What about the meat and potatoes? Look, you're a fantastic writer; I wouldn't have hired you right out of college if I didn't think you were. However, your writing is linear, with no ebb and flow."

She was correct, but I also had my pride and convictions. It wasn't the best article ever written, but it wasn't the worst either.

As the only Black female writer at a white-dominated publishing house, I was always under pressure to excel and work ten times harder. But clearly, good wasn't good enough in this case; it was abysmal.

"I don't want to fire you because you're one of our most talented writers."

Really? You had a total meltdown just a few minutes ago.

"Instead, I'm sending you to our North Carolina office. I believe that country air would serve you well and allow you to regroup. Consider it a mini-break."

"North Carolina, you said? What about the South?"

I know she's setting me up for failure!

" That sounds lovely."

Amy says curtly, "Keiran, I can hear the sarcasm in your tone," but her expression softens.

"They need all the assistance they can get. Perhaps a change of pace will help you return to the excellent work you did in previous years. Consider this an unanticipated opportunity, not a punishment."

Maybe Amy was correct; I had nothing left in California.

Being in California would just make me sad after discovering that my boyfriend had cheated on me with my supposed best friend.

Maybe it was for the best, I thought as I took one last look around my now-empty apartment.

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