"I don't get you sometimes, you know?"

I looked at Hazel. "Whats there not to get?"

 "Well correct me if I'm wrong but you've got one of the hottest guys in school onto you, and here you are, mopping over a stupid boy who's clearly too fucked up in his head to care about anyone other than himself?"

I guessed Hazel was far more observant than I initially thought she was. I didn't want to talk about Devonte, so I hastily switched the conversation.

"He's on to me?" the words sounded foreign coming from my mouth.

She took a bite from her sandwich.  "Well he didn't go scouting for your number so he could send you updates on the weather hun."

I was so oblivious. Hazel obviously new more about this stuff than I did.

"I don't want to get my hopes up..."

"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about." She said with certainty. I was silent for a while. Just staring out into the field. The boys were arguing over the muddy ball again whilst the girls hung around the benches thirstily.

"To be honest, I don't know what I feel. Something close to confused, but not quite."

Hazel looked at me like I was mad. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean, he's been acting really nice to me over the past few days."

I played with the grass in my fingers. "And he smiles at me, a lot. But I know that it's only temporary and in time he'll get bored of my ass and go back to ignoring me again."

I shrugged. Hazel showed she was listening with her attentive expressions.

"So that's why I'm not getting my hopes up. I can't afford to be on to him too, if you get me?"

"Yeh man, I know that feeling."

"So what do I do? Like, how do I act?"

At this point, the bell had rang, signalling the end of our very short lunch-break. I swung on my bag and Hazel pulled up the zipper of her bomber jacket.

"Just go along with it. And if he, in anyway, acts like a dick, just let me know and I'll put him six feet under."

She finished her baguette in one bite. I smiled. She looked at me and grinned too.

"I'll text you, yeh?" she called out before walking to join Maesyn who was calling for her at the other side of the canteen which we'd entered. I tried ignore the weird looks her friends sent me as I made my way towards my Music class. I guess they hadn't gotten over Hazel speaking to me yet. I don't think anyone had. But I didn't really care much for that. It felt good to finally have someone to confide in.

I walked into music to find the class completely empty. The second bell had just rang so I knew I was late. I was just about to turn around and pull out my timetable to check I hadn't come for the wrong class or something, when my eyes met a figure.

I knew it was him without even having to look up at his face. He wore a dark hoody over his uniform and his gym bag was by his feet.


"Hi." I kept my gaze on my schedule. I definitely had Music.

He edged closer without warning. "I was looking for you at break."

"You were?"   

I plucked up some courage and looked up at him. He nodded.

Silence lingered in the air. I knew for a fact that we would get in trouble if we didn't find our class.

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Where stories live. Discover now