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As stated in the title, this is a UK urban fiction novel therefore most of this books is written IN urban British (LONDON) slang. If there are any slang words which you do not understand, please do not hesitate to comment and I will make it my priority to reply as soon as possible. Love yalll


You know that feeling when you hate someone so much, just the sight of the person makes you want to stab yourself repetitively with a fork. But everyone else around you thinks the sun shines right out of their batty?

That's the exact feeling I'm having right now with London's cockiest prick, Devonte Williams. Words could never explain my hate for that boy. He seems to think he's God's gift to us 'not so socially educated neeks' as he calls me and all the other unfortunate girls who've never heard of 'Tyga' or 'daggering'.

To make things worse, he thinks that everything he says must go. And he certainly doesn't take no for an answer. No human being could ever be more annoying than he is.

He also thinks he's the most attractive being on the face of the earth, which goes without question, but okay, you're good looking, now get the fuck over yourself!

Everything about him is irritating because he is irritating, but I guess everyone else is stuck too deep up his ass to even notice. Including these naïve teachers. I can't even recall the last time he got a detention for all the stupid shit he keeps doing.

All the girls at school (understatement of the decade, make that the whole damn country) are after him and he knows it, which makes his head even bigger than it already is.

But if there's one girl who remains surgically attached to him, it has to be Esme Richards. There wasn't a single day you wouldn't see her straddling onto his arm like a lost puppy. Yeh, she probably had the prettiest hair and smile and all but she wasn't fooling me. Her attitude stank. And it's not even the kind of stank that you could get rid of. This bitch permeated the whole school with her stankiness.

But typically, since she was liked by everyone, no one made a huge scene about it. She'd always hang with this other black girl, Ciara-Jane, but you could only call her CJ if she said you could. She was pretty too with a long bushy mane which she'd always manage to make it look really nice. She was probably the loud mouth of Esme's little group which included; Maesyn, a Moroccan girl with beautiful grey eyes and curly brown hair with blonde highlights. She was funny I guess, but only with people she liked. And for some reason, I was not part of that list.

Then there was Hazel, who was Filipino and something else, and the nicest out of all of them. But she had these crazy anger issues and was always getting sent out of lessons.

Well, they were the most popular girls in Year 11 and were liked by everyone (even the kids who got picked on by them).

Being so pretty, they had all the boys after them. Including this new boy called Robbie who had been our school for like a second but I could never shift my eyes from him. Even in our ugly uniform, he still managed to look good. His hair was always perfectly faded and he had these amazing green eyes that seem to get brighter by day. And to make his sexiness even more significant, he had a smile that could blind you. He was smart too, but not cocky-smart, like most boys at my school.

I was just analysing his perfectly waved hair in English when I felt a presence behind me.

"Ms Rhodes! Are you going to actually listen to what I am teaching, or are you going to continue oogling at Robbie's head?" Mr Lewis echoed across the room. There were smirks around the class and a few girls rolled their eyes at me too. I felt my cheeks heat up rapidly. I opened my mouth to say something that would save me from any further embarrassment. I didn't want the class to assume what he was saying was true, even though it was.

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora