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It had been a couple of weeks since that eventful day. And although this may seem ironic to state; nothing much has changed.  I mean, Devonte had gone back to his 'dickhead' ways only this time he pays less attention to me, or so I presumed. Like the following Monday morning, it was a total breeze. I walked in and out of lessons without being harassed or pushed, or even looked at. None of Devonte's friends tried to trip me up or shoved me into a wall like they usually do. As a matter of fact, it seemed as though everyone was oblivious to my existence and being. I didn't know whether it was an improvement or a total downfall but so far, it was proving to make my life a whole lot easier. So I just went with it.

Esme and her friend still hated me, for what reason, I know not. Cameron and I had gotten closer. I talk to him almost every day (well when I see him, considering the fact that I haven't got a phone).  And as for Robbie, well as cheesy as this may sound, he's still that guy I know will never happen.

But things were generally taking a turn for the better. My grades were looking great, and just as well because my Year 11 final exams were only 4 months away.


 Immediately the bell rang for the end of school, I ran out of the French class faster than you could say, 'don't forget the homework due in next week' which is exactly when Ms Pierre said over the loud commotion of people packing.

As I walked down the pavement of Clifford avenue, as I would everyday, a thought came on my mind.

I was so caught up over thinking that I didn't even realise someone was beside me till they tapped me on the shoulder. I shot my head to my left to find God's gift grinning at me.

Holy shit. 

Have you ever had those moments of ecstasy, where you can't even believe you're seeing something so you just come to the conclusion that you're a total lunatic who makes up stupid fantasies in their head because your life is just that boring.

Well, you probably haven't, I know I have. Countless amounts of times. But especially now. When Robbie's hand is brushing against mine.

"Hey Malorie-Jane" he grinned.

He knows my name. Jesus is Lord.

"You know my name?' I whispered, thinking he didn't hear, but he obviously did; because he chuckled awkwardly, I am such an idiot.

"Hi Robbie". I corrected myself. Hopeful now that I've let out a sentence, he wouldn't think I'm a weirdo any more. Or at least I hope.

"Yo, so , how are you?"

Breath MJ, just breath. "I'm good thank you."

He smiled in acknowledgment. We walked in silence.

"I know this is the dumbest thing you've probably ever heard, but erm, why are you walking with me." I blurted out, only figuring out how blunt that really sounded after I said it.

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his trouser and turned to me.

"Well, I kind of always have to save your ass, so I figured I might as well, in case you get yourself in some more trouble."

I blushed at this. Is that even possible? For a black girl to blush?

The silence made me feel uneasy, so I decided to break it once more.

"So whereabouts do you live?" I asked in the most casual tone I could master up. But that was a total fail, considering the level of which I was hyperventilating. My voice came out all croaky and horse,

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Where stories live. Discover now