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"I'm under the tree near the humanities block". Hazel spoke on the phone whilst I sneaked some chips out of her Sensations packet.

She playfully screwed me and I grinned.

"Yeh hurry up please I need my make up before these pictures are taken."

I couldn't hear who was on the other side, I guessed it was one of her friends.

"Just shut-up and bring my shit man." She ended the call and placed my phone back on my lap.

"I'm gonna be looking fleeky as hell." Hazel sung and clicked her fingers in excitement. We were having our school pictures taken today and she had insisted that she looked her best for it, as it was the last one till we leave secondary school. I, on the other hand couldn't care less.  Continued to plait her straightened hair into one.

I was just about reach into hazel's crisps bag once more when I heard footsteps of someone walking over the hill towards us. I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. It's like I had this radar that beeped whenever he was approaching.

"Ah, thank the Lord." Hazel grabbed a black purse out of Devonte's hands and left it on her bag.

"She says she's keeping the Mac pencil or some shit, just call her, I'm not involved." He mumbled and took a swing of Hazel's drink.

I tried to keep as occupied on my phone as I could. But in reality my stomach was just flipping and last Sunday's events played over and over in my head.

"Tell Rhys I'm gonna come and collect it tomorrow."

I pondered on how close hazel must've been to Devonte for her to be sharing make-up with Rhys.

He threw the bottle of Lucozade down beside Hazel's bag and stroked his facial hair. He had it shaped now, so his face looked even more masculine. I studied him way longer than I should've but I don't think he noticed.

"Yeh cos we're obvious best of friends right now." He spoke in a voice thick with sarcasm.

"Well no one told you to go gang-banging at fucking 3 in the morning, idiot."

He kissed his teeth. "I don't fucking need you to tell me what to do as well you know."

"Then who do actually expect to let you know when you're fucking shit up."

They argued like it was customary. I suddenly felt like I was intruding in whatever issues they were having.

Hazel looked towards me and rolled her eyes. He took this as a sign that the conversation had ended and walked off cursing.

"Don't look so paranoid MJ, we argue all the time."

I don't know what was worse, the fact that he looked right past me or the fact that I so wished he would talk to me again. I couldn't even believe I was having these thoughts about the same person who makes it extremely clear to me that he doesn't want anything to do with my existence.

"You still haven't told me what happened on Saturday."

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Hazel. She held in her left hand a bottle of water and in her right, she scrolled through her phone.

"Hmm..." I could hardly think straight because all I could hear was Devonte shouting across the field to his friends. It strikes me as ironic because last Sunday, at the café, all we did was stare at each other. But now, in school and wherever else I'd see him, he looked everywhere but at me. I don't know why his ignorance bothered me so much.

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt