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Under the full moon's light, the midnight air in Camelot had grown this eerie and all consuming feeling of dread.

To be fair to the mysterious weather, it was always this way during that time. A time of panic and fear as wolves howled in the night. Rumors had been running wild through the streets of monsters in the nighttime and not the normal ones spawned of magic the citizens of Camelot were used to.

But nothing thrown in their way could prepare them for what was lingering in the darkness on that night.

Deep within the woods laid a farmstead. It was a simple home for a simple family. However, its position and distance from the capital of the kingdom made it vulnerable to any unwanted and unnatural forces. Forces that were always brewing in the dark.

A young farmhand by the name of Thomas was finishing up his day of work; his father and brothers already inside, finally resting until the dawn broke over the hills for the coming of the new day. Humming a small tune he had heard at the tavern earlier that week, he brushed the small hairs on the back of his family's horse.

Everything was calm, serene, with fireflies dancing off amongst the trees in the distance. The winds brushing through the family's crops, swaying the grains in soft swaying motions. It was lovely.

Meaning it was not to last.

Thomas turned his head sharply as something rustled through the bushes near the barn, something moving faster than he could catch with his eyes.

The family horse let out worried whinnies and cries, moving back as quickly as it could to get away from whatever was in the bush.

Hoping he was simply being paranoid, Thomas called out.

The winds picked up, howling deep into the night, but any man with a cent to his name knew the howls of a wolf when he heard one. It blended in with the midnight winds, but even then, the closeness of it was unsettling.

Holding onto his rake closely, the young man shuffled towards the brush, fear in his eyes as his hands shook violently. The hairs on the back of his neck came to attention as a shiver ran down his back the closer he got to the woods. He called out for whatever was in the bush, demanding for it to show itself.

The small hairs on his skin stood on end as something let out a deep growl. It rumbled so fiercely that the boy could feel it in his own chest. Like it had started in the bush and ended up down his throat. Thomas whimpered as the rustling in the bush grew quicker and every so often he could slowly see the creature start to emerge.

And soon, the creature stepped out of the bush, causing Thomas to fall back onto the ground. It was large, almost human-like standing on its hind legs. But there was no mistaking that it was a wolf with its large claws and the fur that draped it head to toe. Its eyes stared down at the boy, golden irises that held something else inside of them. The creature snarled at the boy, shaking the leaves and trees around it. There was a power in its snarl that seemed to command the very earth around them.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now