sex on the beach

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"Hey, can I get you guys anything?" Jeyi asked as she approached the table of 3 boys.

"Hey love, give us a few minutes...we're still waiting on someone" the boy with the crescent moon eyes replied.

"no problem, I'll be around if you need anything" she replied with a short smile, warily bowing to them without bending down too low to make the other men around her notice her short skirt go up.

"take care of yourself" the boy said again. god he was young, as were his friends. the girl usually saw them around the club yet never initiated contact with them. none of the staff knew how such young boys were allowed in or simply what business they had at an adult nightclub.

walking away from the group of boys who looked at her as if she was spared from being the victim of something, she walked backstage to see the other staff, specifically the girl who was meant to be up next.

"Yo, Cleo! you're up next sweetie" she called towards the girl who was adding a bit of blush onto her nose.

"oh...shit..thanks Jeyi" She replied.

"Hey, you know anything about those boys in table 6?" Jeyi asked her but Yeseul shrugged

"heard of them...but don't think they usually come on thursday nights" she said, carrying on with her tasks

"anyway...have a good one" Jeyi said before leaving the backstage area.

Yeseul was yet again doing another show for the perverted men who were waiting to see her. the club was quiet empty, there weren't a ton of men lining up to see her do her thing, she was new at it but fairly experienced. you could tell she was only in it for money, she really didnt care if she pleased them or not.

she kept her life awkwardly private, asking the customers, staff and even the managers to call her by her stage name, Cleo. If anyone was to link her real identity with what she works as, she was done for.

And there it was. Her cue.

The faint music gradually got louder as the applause rounded. She walked to the centre of the stage towards the pole, dropping her shoulders with a heavy exhale as her hand came into contact with the cold metal.

her eyes landed on the crowd as the sea of ogling eyes died down as the lights dimmed. 'Good for you' by Selena Gomez was the only thing ringing through her ears, and she begun.

"Sorry I'm late" Jaemin said as he approached the 3 boys at the table

"got caught up with that shitty girlfriend of yours?" haechan asked with an annoying smirk as the girl on his lap continued to giggle at god knows what

"no uh...we broke up" jaemin replied, sighing at the thought of him telling the girl "it's not you, it's me...I just think we should go on our different paths" the usual. it was whatever.

as he took of his jacket his eyes began to scan the room, the music filling his ears as his eyes set on the girl at the centre of the stage.

the way her body moved with such grace and control while still looking effortlessly sensual and erotic. he was stunned. frozen in his spot being unable to tear his eyes off the girl.

"looks like he's got his eye on his next victim" renjun muttered from beside him, giving jaemin a little nudge to bring him back to reality. but he only hummed in response, eyes still remaining on the beautiful girl who looked too perfect to be in a place like this.

"Hello sweetheart" Jeno greeted as Jeyi walked back to their table and stood directly in front of Jaemin's view of his newfound interest making him growl slightly.

"Anything I can get you guys? 20% off on the cocktails tonight" she said

"fantastic. I'll have a sex on the beach then." Jaemin said fully uninterested in the girl as she ruined his view of the dancer that caught his eye. Now the song was over and his eye candy was gone back stage.

"don't mind him, our new single member is just a bit grumpy due to a prior break up..I'll have a martini, sour please" haechan said, chuckling at Jaemin's childish behaviour.

once the drinks eventually came to their table, the mood was now much lighter.

"okay okay! To health, wealth and Na Jaemin's inability to remain in a stable relationship!" Haechan said raising his glass while the other three laughed and did a cheers before downing their first drink, then the second, third, fourth and the night went on.

"Finally!" Yeseul exclaimed as she got the glitter off her face after the 8th face wash.

"you alright love?" a voice said from behind her

"yeah I'm fine, just got the sparkles off my face" she replied to the dancer who just finished her choreography

"you missed a spot" she joked making yeseul chuckle

"oh honey, you're bleeding" the girl said and her eyes widened as she looked back at the mirror

"think I might have hit my head on the pole during my dance" she laughed

"you should probably go out to the customers bathroom, there's better lighting out there" she suggested and yeseul nodded before packing her duffel bag and walking towards the customer bathrooms near bar.

"ah shit" she sighed as she looked at the bruised cut forming on her head, just near her temple.

she wet a cotton pad in cold water before slightly dabbing it onto the cut, trying her best not to be squeamish.

"if you keep making those noises, I can't help but be somewhat aroused" a voice said from the door and she rolled her eyes before turning to the boy her age.

"I already had enough pervs for tonight"

"I can assure you love, I'm not a perv"

"what are you doing in a strip club then?"

"now now now....let's not get political! oh shit you're bleeding!" he slurred on his words making her chuckle as he looked like a cartoon character

"here let me help-"

"no I'm okay-"

"I'm just...trying to help...I swear" he said, raising his hands up in defence and she sighed, passing his the cotton pad

"tell me if it hurts okay?" he said as he wet the cotton pad in water before bringing it up to her head

"it hurts" she whined, closing her eyes making him chuckle

"I haven't even started yet" he laughed, before placing the cotton on her cut in soft motions, getting rid of the blood around the cut.

"make sure you stop by your pharmacy to get something to cover it up, might get an infection if you don't. your face is too pretty to be ruined" he said with a subconscious pout playing on his lips.

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