Chapter 39- The Visitor

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"Who are you?" She asked. "I am Paige Marie Swan. Daughter of Emma and Neal Cassidy. Granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Goddaughter of Regina Mills. Princess of the Enchanted Forest and Future Queen. You may address me as Your Highness. Now I suggest you let my boyfriend go.... before I burn you!" I said.


When she let him go, I ran to him. "Benji, are you OK?" "Yes, princess. I'll be even better when this lady is burned. Do you want to help me?" He asked. "Definitely," "Yeah, it's a long story of how I got the Omnitrix. The short answer is... Doesn't matter because you're not getting it." He said as he activated the Omnitrix and was now Heatblast.


Then we blasted flames at the alien but she dissapeared. "Where'd she go, princess?" Ben asked. I shrugged, unsure of the answer. Suddenly, the slides were broken and aimed at us. Then she used Telekinesis and water came out of a fire hydrant. It hit it's intended target, which was Ben. "OK, Mr. Hero, rest time's over. Go fry the bad guy," Gwen said. "I'm soaked. I can't even get a spark," He said.


"Don't worry, Benji. Let me handle this. You're not the only one who can control the elements, lady." I used my Elemental Control and threw water at her but she just threw it back at me. Suddenly, Max came to our rescue, "That was your only warning shot. Leave my grandchildren and future granddaughter alone! Now, turn around slowly," He commanded.


"That voice. Max?" She asked. "Xylene? This that you?" "Did I miss something, Max? You never mentioned Xylene to me before." I said, unsure what to think and not sure who to trust at this point. "Are these children with you?" Xylene asked and he nodded. Now we were back at our campsite and Xylene had been with us for THREE HOURS! "Man this lady is getting on my nerves! We're Max's family! Ben, Gwen and I! NOT HER!"


I was definitely keeping my eye on her and my guard was up. "Make one false move Xylene... YOU'RE DEAD!" I thought as I stared her down. "She's been here for three hours, and she hasn't said anything us. We'd think we were invisible or something," Ben said. "Don't take it so personal. They're just catching up," Gwen said. "Actually, can I talk to you two alone?" I said, suddenly remembering something.


We went into the Rust Bucket where we could have some privacy. "What's wrong?" They asked. "Now I remember who Xylene is! My mom told me that she and Max met when he was a Plumber and when she left earth, Xylene asked Max to come with her but he declined. That's why she's back! Not because of the Omnitrix! She wants him to go with her. I lost one father when my dad died... I can't and won't lose another one!" I said as tears rolled down my face.


Through my tears, I saw them look at me then each other. Ben brought me into his arms, "Shh, shh, princess. It's OK. Everything will be OK, you're NOT going to lose another father figure... not if I have anything to say about it! Right, Gwen?" She nodded, "Absolutely. Grandpa loves you like you're his own, Paige. Do you really think he'd leave us so easily?" I shrugged, unsure of the answer.


"It doesn't matter because I'm taking care of her once and for all!" I shouted, not interested in reason or hearing anyone out. I took my Aunt Regina's mirror out of my backpack and headed off into the forest. Then I transformed myself into a rat and watched Max and Xylene through my mirror.

Two Halfs, One HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ