9.The New Kid-pt. 3

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Harry and Ally were talking when Ally's watch started beeping.-"Why is your watch beeping?"-Harry asked.-"No reason."-she said quickly and put her hand over it.-"There has to be a reason."-"Yeah, I don't think so. Will you excuse me for a minute?"-she said and ran to the bathroom.

She locked herself in the bathroom and answered.-"Hey Ray. What's up?"-she whispered.-"Some dude fell in a hole on mount Swellview. Henry is on his way to you."-Ray said.-"Okay, got it."-she nodded and hung up.

"Okay, what now?"-she said panicking-"I'll call Henry."-she said and took her phone out.-"Yeah?"-Henry answered.-"Don't you dare walk in my room through my window!"-she whisper-yelled.-"Why?"-"Harry is in my room and I don't know how to get out."-"Okay, what now?"-"You should go on the mount Swellview and check on the guy. I'll come after you and we'll save him."-"Okay, see you there and I'll send you the location."-Henry said and Ally hung up.

She walked back to her room and Harry was still there.-"Is everything okay?"-Harry asked.-"Yeah, my boss just called me and said that I have to come and help him with something. So, I have to go."-"Isn't Henry working there too?"-"Yes?"-"Then he can do it and you can stay with me here."-"No Harry, I have to go and help Henry."-she said taking a few steps back.

"Stop!"-Harry grabbed her hand.-"Harry, please."-"Stay here."-"No, I have to go."-she said and pulled her hand back.-"Ally..."-"Harry. I have to go!"-she said and ran out.-"Ally wait."-he ran after her.

"Harry please leave."-"But..."-"I said, leave!"-she yelled.-"Okay."-he mumbled and left. Ally ran out through the back door and hid behind the bushes. She transformed there and went to mount Swellview.

"I'm sorry it took long."-Girl Danger said coming towards Kid Danger.-"Girl Danger! Thank God you're here."-one of the nurses said.-"You called the ambulance?"-she asked.-"I had to. This guy is very injured."-Kid Danger said.

Girl Danger walked up to the hole where the guy was and looked down. It was a very small hole.-"This hole is smaller than I thought."-she said and looked at the doctors.-"We can't get him out."-one of the doctors said.-"What are we going to do?"-Kid Danger asked.-"Let me think."-she mumbled.

"Sir?"-she yelled.-"Yeah?"-"Can you move your hands?"-"Yeah! I just don't feel my legs."-he yelled beck.-"Do you have a plan?"-Kid Danger asked.-"I think I can lift him up."-she said and looked at Kid Danger.-"You sure?"-he asked.-"I'll lift him up and you'll grab his hand."-"Okay."-Kid Danger nodded.

"What can we do?"-the nurse asked.-"Prepare the portable bed."-Girl Danger said and they all nodded and went to get the bed.-"Sir! I'm going to lift you up! You just have to grab Kid Danger's hand and we'll get you out of this hole!"-Girl Danger said.-"Okay, just hurry up. I can't feel my legs and it hurts really bad."-the guy said.

The doctors brought the bed and put it down.-"Are you ready, Dangers?"-"Yes."-Kid Danger nodded.-"I just want to say that I need absolute silence so I can focus. If I drop him, we won't be able to get him out."-Girl Danger said and everyone nodded.-"Ready sir?"-Kid Danger yelled.-"Ready!"-he yelled back.

Kid Danger looked at Girl Danger and they nodded to each other. The Dangers walked closer to the hole and Kid Danger laid down and reached out his hand down towards the guy. Girl Danger closed her eyes and reached her hand out.

She focused on the guy and used her powers. The guy felt that he's slowly moving upwards. Girl Danger started shaking because of fear that she'll drop him, but she tried her best to stay focused.

"Come on Ally. You can do it. Just a few more centimetres."-Kid Danger was thinking while trying to grab the guy's hand. The doctors and the nurses were looking at her scared. She was lifting him up as slow as possible, then Kid Danger grabbed the guy's hand. He looked at him and smiled.

He slowly started to pull him up but not too fast, so Girl Danger won't drop him. Girl Danger opened her eyes a little and saw that the guy is almost out. She kept lifting him up until he wasn't completely out. When he was out, she slowly moved him towards the bed and carefully put him down.

When he was already laying, everyone started cheering and clapping.-"You did it!"-Kid Danger came to her.-"That's our Girl Danger!"-one of the doctors yelled.-"You have no idea how scared I was."-she said to Kid Danger.-"I know but you did it!"-he said smiling.-"Thank you, Dangers. We'll take care from here."-one of the nurses said and they put the guy in the ambulance van and left.

"You did a good job."-Kid Danger said.-"You weren't bad either."-Girl Danger smiled-"Can we stay here for a little? I know a place where we can sit."-she suggested.-"Okay, but it's getting dark. Won't you be cold?"-"No, I have a hoodie. I just have to transform back."-she said and they took their gums out. They transformed and walked to the place where they sat down on the grass.

"What a crazy afternoon."-Henry said.-"Yeah, right."-Ally laughed.-"Why was Harry at your house?"-Henry asked.-"He just came. No reason."-Ally said.-"Oh. I'm wondering how he got so popular at a so short time."-"Yeah me too."-Ally said.

They were sitting in silence for a little and looking at the stars.-"Ally, I have to tell you something."-Henry broke the silence.-"Yeah, me too."-she turned to him.-"Okay, you go first."-he said.-"I think I have a crush on Harry."-she said quietly.-"Really?"-Henry fake smiled.-"Yeah. I get that weird feeling when he's next to me or when we talk. That happens when you like someone, right?"-she said quickly.-"Yeah."-he said quietly and looked down.

"You okay?"-she asked.-"Y-yeah. I just... thought of something."-Henry said quietly.-"Should I tell him?"-"Not yet. Wait a little bit."-"Okay. I'll do it."-Ally nodded-"You wanted to say something."-she said.-"Huh?"-"You wanted to tell me something. What is it?"-"Um... I... I don't remember."-he laughed-"I guess it wasn't that important, so I forgot it."-he said.

"Yeah. If you remember just let me know."-she said and then Henry's phone started ringing.-"That's my mom."-he said and picked up-"Hey mom."-"Hey honey. When are you coming home?"-Kris asked.-"Um... I don't know. Why?"-"Because we'll have dinner soon."-"Okay, I'm on my way. Bye."-he hung up.-"You have to go?"-Ally asked.-"Yes."-"Cool. I should go home too."-she said and they went home.

After dinner, Henry went up to his room and laid on bed on his back.-"She likes Harry."-he mumbled looking at the ceiling-"I guess we're not meant to be. When Harry tells her that he likes her, she'll admit her feelings to him and they'll start dating. I knew I should've told her at the same moment."-he was thinking.

He rolled over and looked at the picture on the nightstand. On the picture there were Ray, Schwoz, Piper, Jasper and Henry and Ally in the middle. They were all smiling from ear to ear and hugged by their shoulders but only Ally wrapped her arm around Henry's neck looking like she wants to choke him. He took the picture and rolled back on his back.

Henry was looking at the picture and sighed.-"Why didn't I tell her?"-he mumbled.-"Should I call her and tell her even if she doesn't feel the same. No, I'll just ruin our friendship. Now, she'll be with Harry and I'll stay her best friend. Yeah, I shouldn't feel more for her, we're friends and that's not going to change."-he thought and put the picture back on the nightstand.

End of chapter :)

The Dangers-chapter 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora