7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3

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"You okay?"-Girl Danger said coming back with the boy in her arms. The little blonde boy's head was laying on Girl Danger's chest while sleeping.-"Yeah. The ambulance was here and took her to the hospital. But they said we can bring the kid there because they will let his mom out when she wakes up."-he said and looked at the kid.

"Okay."-Girl Danger nodded.-"He fell asleep?"-"Yes. He was crying so hard. I hope that he won't be traumatized after this. He's only 3."-Girl Danger.-"Let's go to the hospital then. Want me to carry him?"-Kid Danger asked.-"No, it's fine. I don't want to wake him up."-she said and they headed to the hospital.

The Dangers were in the elevator in the hospital when the boy woke up.-"Where am I?"-he said in a sleepy voice.-"We're at the hospital. Your mom is here and you're going home now."-Kid Danger said calmly rubbing his back.

The boy laid his head back on Girl Danger's chest and hugged her more. They got out the elevator and walked to the room where the boy's mom was.-"Dangers! What brings you here?"-the nurse smiled when they walked in the room.

"We have this woman's son."-Girl Danger said.-"Oh great. His mom is awake but they can't leave yet because we have to take some more test because she was hit quite bad."-the nurse explained.

"Can we leave him here?"-Kid Danger asked.-"Yeah, sure."-the nurse smiled.-"Okay, you'll sit here."-Girl Danger said and put the little boy on a chair.-"I want you to stay."-he sobbed.-"But I have to go. Also, your mommy is awake. You'll go home soon."-she said calmly kneeling down in front of him.

"Please."-the boy said quietly.-"You'll see Girl Danger again. Okay?"-Kid Danger knelt down next to Girl Danger and smiled.-"Promise?"-he said quietly.-"Promise."-Kid and Girl Danger said at the same time.

"Okay."-he said and hugged both of them them."Thank you for saving me and my mommy."-"We're always here for saving."-Girl Danger smiled.-"Let's go."-Kid Danger said and they left.


"Hey guys!"-Jasper walked up to Henry, Ally and Piper at school.-"Hi Jasper."-they turned to him.-"Did you catch the gang?"-he whispered.-"No, we didn't. They escaped."-Ally whispered.-"But we saved a little boy from being kidnapped."-Henry added.

"What's the plan?"-Piper asked.-"For now, nothing."-Ally said and went to her locker.-"You know that you don't have much time left. Every night happens the same."-Piper said walking behind Ally.-"I know but I don't have any ideas!"-she said and opened her locker.

"Do you have any ideas, guys?"-Piper turned to Henry and Jasper.-"Nothing."-they said at the same time.-"Never mind, I have to go to class. See you guys after school."-she said and left.

"Hi guys."-Sophie came to them-"Hi Jasper."-she gave him a smile.-"Hi."-Jasper smiled and kissed her cheek.-"You guys are so cute."-Ally smiled.-"Do you want to sit with me in class?"-Sophie asked Jasper.-"Yea, sure."-Jasper said and left with her.

Ally laughed and turned back to her locker.-"What's wrong?"-Henry asked her.-"Nothing."-she answered quietly.-"Tell me."-he smiled and started playfully punching her upper arm.-"Nothing."-she laughed.

"I think I know. Jasper succeeded with his crush and you probably have a crush on someone but you don't want to admit it and tell him. Now you're watching Jasper with his crush wishing that the same happened to you."-he smiled and started playing with her pigtails.

"Henry, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't have a crush on anybody."-Ally rolled her eyes.-"Okay, but you have to tell me if you do."-"Fine, I'll tell you when I will have a crush. Which means I don't have one yet."-Ally said and started looking for her book in her locker. 

The Dangers-chapter 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu