4.The Kiss-pt.3

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"Okay guys, class dismissed. Next week I'm going to bring your marks for these projects and I'm sure a lot of them are going to be A+, you can leave now."-the Art teacher said at the end of the class.-"You have no idea how am I happy about this."-Henry said to Ally while they were leaving the classroom.-"I know we'll get the best grades."-Ally laughed.-"You mean, you'll get them because you did both projects."-Henry whispered.-"Yes but nobody will know about it."-Ally whispered back and winked.

They walked to their lockers and when Henry opened his locker, he noticed that one of his books are missing.-"Hey, Ally."-"Yeah."-"Could you wait for me here, I lost my book?"-"Want me to come with you and help to find it?"-Ally laughed.-"No, just wait for me here. I'll be right back."-he smiled and left.

Ally closed her locker and scrolled trough Tweetflash while she was waiting for Henry. Suddenly someone grabbed her hand and pulled her backwards. The person covered her mouth so she couldn't scream, and nobody could've help her because everyone had already left. The person pushed her into the storage room and closed the door. Ally was on the floor because she fell, everything was dark until the person who took her there turned the light on. It was Mitch Bilsky.

"Mitch! What do you want?"-Ally said.-"Don't you dare move. Also, if you scream nobody will hear you because this room has voice isolation."-Mitch said. Ally was still sitting on the floor looking around herself. She started shaking and panicking a bit because the room was too small and she was claustrophobic.

"Mitch, what are you doing?"-she asked with her voice shaking.-"You're not that brave anymore as I can see."-he smiled evilly-"You don't have your Henry to protect you. Well, I'm getting revenge. You don't want me, that's fine. But I think that after this you will beg me to let you out."-he laughed.

"Never."-"Okay then, I'm leaving. Bye."-Mitch said walking out and locked the door.-"Mitch no!"-Ally ran to the door, but she couldn't open it anymore.-"Mitch let me out!"-she yelled.-"Please! Open the door!"-she was yelling but nobody responded.

"Ally, calm down."-she was breathing heavily because she started getting a panic attack again-"It's okay. Where is my zapper?"-she started searching up her pockets, but she couldn't find it.-"This is impossible! I left it in my backpack!? But how? I never put it in my backpack."-she was trying to open up, but she couldn't.

"H-Henry!"-she was yelling but nobody responded. She felt dizzy and fell on the floor and stayed sitting there.-"I know! I'll call him!"-she said and took her phone which was laying on the floor.-"Come on!"-she tried to unlock it with fingerprint, but her hands were shaking that much that it didn't recognize her fingerprint. She typed in the password and unlocked it.

"Yes! Now where is Henry's number?"-she was breathing heavily and her hands were shaking that much that it was so hard for her to type.-"Finally!"-she said when she found his number and called him. She was shaking and breathing heavily.

She was feeling more and more dizzy.-"C-come on, Henry."-she was trying to calm down.-"Hey, Ally. Where are you? I'm here in the hallway."-Henry answered the phone.-"H-Henry. H-help."-she was trying to talk.

"Ally, where are you!? Are you okay!?"-he started to worry when he heard how heavy her breathing is.-"S-storage r-room..."-before she could finish the sentence she fainted.-"Ally? Do you hear me? Ally!?"-Henry said but Ally didn't respond.

"Storage room?"-he was asking himself-"Oh my God!"-he ran to the storage room.-"Ally, do you hear me?"-he yelled and trying to open the door. He took out his zapper and melted the lock. He opened the door and saw Ally laying unconscious on the floor with her phone in her hand.-"Ally!"-he ran to her and knelt down.-"Ally, wake up."-he tried to wake her up but Ally didn't move.-"I'll take you to the school nurse."-he said and picked her up.

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