5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1

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"Dangers, transform quickly. The vice mayor is calling."-Ray said when the alarm turned on. Henry and Ally transformed and before they answered the call the others hid.-"Dangers, I need you two in my office right now!"-the vice mayor said.

"What's the matter?"-Kid Danger asked.-"There is going to be a big show here in Swellview. But I'm not saying anything else. Now get here right now! I'm the vice mayor, not the waiting mayor!"-he said and hung up.

"Why is he so weird?"-Piper said waking towards them.-"I'm the vice mayor, not the waiting mayor!"-Girl Danger was imitating him-"And I'm Girl Danger and I want to have a free Saturday!"-she yelled and Jasper started laughing.

"We'll go to his office and see what he wants and you, Ally, will be nice."-Kid Danger said.-"You said that like I'm rude and mean to him, but in reality, I have never met him in person."-she sat back on the man couch and took the bag of chips form the table.

"No, Ally, you're not going to eat those chips now, you're going to the vice mayor's office."-Ray said and took the bag from her and ate a bit of it.-"Okay, but you're not going to keep those chips."-she said and with her superpowers lifted the chips up from his hands and got it in her hands.

"Ally, give me the chips back!"-Ray yelled and started chasing her around the Man cave.-"Ally, let's go!"-Henry said waiting for her by the tubes.-"Okay. One second."-she laughed and with her powers crashed Schwoz's tool box on the floor. Ray tripped over it and fell. Ally and Henry laughed and Ally ran to the tubes and they quickly activated them.

"Ally, come back!"-Ray said getting up.-"Did you say; Ally leave?"-Henry laughed.-"No, Ally come back."-"Okay!"-Ally smiled. She looked at Henry and they laughed.-"Up the tubes!"-they yelled and left.

"Ally! Give me the chips back!"-Ray yelled.-"Nope!"-they could hear Ally yelling from the tubes.-"I can't!"-Jasper started laughing.-"She's crazy."-Piper laughed.-"We'll see who is going to be laughing when she takes the chips from your hands and makes you fell over something."-Ray said and sat down.

"You know you're crazy, right?"-Henry said.-"Yup!"-Ally laughed. They walked to the Town Hall and when they wanted to walk in the security stopped them.

"You can't come in."-he said with a serious look.-"We are the Dangers, the vice mayor invited us."-Kid Danger said.-"No, no, no! I know who you are! You are a teenage couple dressed as the Dangers who want to be cool and enter in the town hall."-"First, we are not a couple! Second, the Dangers are teenagers! And why would we fake that we are the Dangers when we really are."-Girl Dangers said.-"I don't believe you."-the security said.

Girl Danger sighed and rolled her eyes-"Do you want me to take off my mask and show you!?"-she yelled and took a step forward towards the security.-"Hey, hey! Girl Danger calm down. We're not taking our masks off. How can we prove to you that we are the Dangers, sir?"-Kid Danger said.

"The Dangers have superpowers. Show them to me."-he said.-"Fine."-Girl Danger rolled her eyes and picked a rock up from the ground.-"Kid, watch out!"-she said and threw the rock towards him.

He used his hypermobility and moved fast so the rock won't hit him.-"Do you believe us now?"-Kid Danger turned to the security.-"I believe that you are the real Kid Danger, but what about this girl here?"-he said and turned to Ally.

"Okay, fine!"-she rolled her eyes and turned to Kid Danger. Kid Danger looked at her confused and then she lifted him up with her powers.-"Very well Girl Danger, can you put me back down on the ground?"-Kid Danger said sarcastically.

The Dangers-chapter 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora