2.Best Friends-pt.2

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"We're here, look your date is there."-Henry said and laughed.-"Shut up. I'll deal with you later. Now leave or you want to be seen."-"Sorry, okay, see you later."-he said and left.

Ally walked to Oliver who was very happy when he saw her.-"Hi Ally."-he said.-"Hi."-Ally said.-"Here, I got you something."-he said and gave her a bar of chocolate.-"Thank you."-Ally said fake smiling and put the chocolate in her bag.-"Let's go for a walk."-Oliver suggested.

Henry was watching them behind a tree and laughing, he texted Ally. Ally felt her phone vibrating in her pocket.-"He already lost us?"-she was thinking while taking her phone out. She saw the text from Henry:

"I see your date got you a chocolate. Sweet."

Ally read the text and rolled her eyes with a little smile.-"Who is texting you?"-Oliver asked.-"Um... my... my mom. Yeah, my mom. She asked when I'm coming home."-"Oh okay. What do you think if we go to the café to drink something?"-"Okay, yeah."-Ally answered and they walked to the closest café.

They entered and found a free place to sit. A few seconds later Henry carefully entered so Oliver wouldn't see him and sat a few tables away from them. The waiter came to Oliver and Ally. He was about their age, tall with dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes.

"What can I bring for this couple."-he said politely with a smile on his face.-"We're not a couple, we're here as friends."-Ally said to the waiter.-"Oh, my apologies. What can I bring for you?"-"I will have an apple juice."-Oliver said.-"And for you, sweetheart?"-the waiter said and winked at Ally without Oliver noticing that he is trying to flirt with her.

"I don't want to be rude, but if you call me sweetheart one more time I swear it won't end well."-Ally said with a very serious and scary voice-"Oh and I'll have an orange juice, thank you."-she said and sarcastically smiled.-"Okay."-the waiter said and left.

Henry was listening to the whole conversation and tried not to laugh.-"So, where you lived before you moved here?"-Oliver asked.-"I lived in Astrakane with my mom and dad."-Ally answered with a shaking voice.-"And where do your parents work?"-Oliver asked.

When Ally heard that question her hands started shaking under the table.-"My mom works as a director's assistant in an IT company, but she'll probably get a shift on the directors place because he's quite old, so he retires soon."-Ally said and took a sip of her juice.-"And what about your dad?"-"Um he... he died when I was eleven."-she answered in a quiet voice and started shaking again.-"And where was he working?"-"Look I don't like to talk about my dad, okay? Can we just change the topic of the conversation?"-she said a little bit upset.-"Yeah, okay."-Oliver said.

Henry heard everything a saw Ally upset and decided to text her. She read the text: 

"You, okay?"

"Yes. It's okay."

She texted him back and then spotted him. They were talking for a little. Henry was on his phone when Piper called him.-"Hey Piper, what do you need?"-he whispered.-"You have to come home. Mom and dad want to talk with us about something."-"Can't it be a little later? I'm kind of in a middle of something."-"No, they said that you have to come back home right now."-"Fine I'm coming."-Henry said and hung up. He texted Ally:

"Hey Al, I have to go home right now because my parents want to talk and it can't wait because of some reason. Will you be, okay?"

"Yes if anything hasn't happened until now, I don't think that anything will happen. Anyway, a little later I'll tell him I have to go home."

"Okay just call me if you need."


Ally put her phone back on the table and saw Henry leaving like a spy which made her almost laugh.

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