Hope and Faith are One

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The crying, the screaming, the looks of anguish stapled to the citizen's faces, kids and adults alike. The torture swirled around in clouds of sparkling black dust, creating the illusion of a memory fading in and out. Blood was spilled profusely,  staining not only the walls and flooring, but also the hearts of onlookers. Eyes that held daggers were engraved on this poor soul, never to be forgotten. Adrenaline pumped at a rapid pace as the images of fear and worry raced through the veins of the rememberer. The scenes of dead bodies, shiny guns, thick blood, and destruction caused the soul to wake with a perpetuating start. Sweat was beaded together in strings on the temples before cascading down past the ears which held a ringing silence in them. The lungs worked overtime trying to keep pace with the heart and pumping hot, sticky carbon dioxide out. Strands of wet hair clumped on the forehead and neck creating a horrendous feel. 

Once the heart calmed down and sound returned to the precious ears, the soul who is identified as Faith, canned her neck to peer at her sleeping roommate; worried that she had awoken the peaceful,  sleeping soul.

A strong, overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt overcame her being. The sense was so forceful that it snapped this fragile human being clear in half. Accepting her new sudden decision, Faith proceeded to quietly and carefully climb out of her old,  musty bed to head for the roof. 

Snaking carefully around the furniture she continued her way, eyeing her sleeping roommate to assure he wouldn't awake. However,  before leaving Faith peered back inside at her wonderful best friend who turned out to be a very independent and intelligent person,  who,  in secret, she admired greatly. The dim moon light caught glimpses of beautiful silver hair hidden messy sheets. Sighing a sad sigh she continued her way to the roof of the old school building she called home. 

A thin metal door blocked her fateful way but with a shove of a handle that jutted out, her unspoken path was once again open before her. Once there, the shimmering moon illuminated the brilliant garden,  bathing the flowers in a gentle glow. A warm air hung around her as she turned to see her old home aloft in the sky. Some of her friends were there,  forever asleep.  

Taking a deep breath the defeated girl stepped towards the bench and railing that hung further out into the vast ocean than the rest of the building. Stopping in front of the rail Faith decided to look back at the garden and at her home there on Gran Pulse just one final time. Soft pinks and warm yellows set her heart at peace while the velvet surface of the red rose and elegant color of beautiful purple buds scattered about eased her mind, but it was the relaxing green that made everything so pleasing to set eyes upon. 

Faith turned, pulled up her pale purple nightgown, and climbed over the rusty white bars that acted as her safety. She knowingly stepped over their graceful protection without care. Gripping the bars tightly on either side of her slender frame, Faith gazed out upon the dark sparkling waters. A content but slightly depressed smile crossed her tender rose petal lips as tears began to form in the corners of her dazzling teal eyes. 

Pushing the tiny liquids back she thought about her mother whom she lost in the middle of their battle on Cocoon. Faith’s heart longed for her mother’s loving touch, her loud laugh and slightly deep voice; her old perfume smell, her everything. She missed her mother so much that her heart ached and throbbed. Taking a deep breath a new, happier smile appeared on her round face, one that said her fateful decision was set.

“I’m coming home, mom.” said Faith aloud as tears streamed down her freckled cheeks. However, just as she was letting of the thin bars a voice sounded from behind her. Not just any voice though, but her ,i>best friend’s</i>. 

“Faith! What are you doing?” his soothing voice traveled to her ears. Upon hearing him Faith froze, for she had been caught. Before replying she peered down into the mysterious liquid, but for her it wasn’t mysterious. Sharp, rusty panes of metal framework from the school house lay underneath the surface, this she was aware of. Also, she was aware of the fact that a majority of the pieces slanted upwards in her direction and if she could land on them perfectly…

Hope and Faith are OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant