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featherpaw woke just before moonhigh and padded silently to the beech grove.  seapaw was already there, grooming her face.

"you came"

"yes, I did.  why do you want to do this?" featherpaw replied

"you are a stupid half-clan cat and still get treated with respect."

"I have earned that respect, unlike you." featherpaw hissed back

"then prove it, claws out and fight me like a real warrior."  

seapaw lept and featherpaw. featherpaw stepped out of the way and batted seapaws flank as she landed where featherpaw once was.  seapaw landed hard and featherpaw sprang at her.  featherpaw landed with a thud on the older apprentice,  biting her neck.

they rolled, a ball of gnashing teeth and unsheathed claws.  they rolled to a stop, featherpaw on top of seapaw.

" I have won. go back to camp and leave tuftypaw, waterpaw, and me alone!" featherpaw hissed in seapaws ear

seapaw hissed as featherpaw helped her up and slunk back to camp.

"you did well," a voice said to featherpaw.

she jumped "reedstar?"

"yes, it's me.  I am proud of you for fighting your own battles." he emerged from the vegetation. 

"I am very proud to call you my apprentice.  now let's go get some sleep."

The pair of cats walked back to camp.  cats were starting to wake and do their morning duties.  

"featherpaw you on dawn patrol with waterpaw, tuftypaw, perchtoe, and heronwing.  then you guys will train." mintfur told her

featherpaw nodded her head, she was excited about training with tuftypaw and waterpaw.  they quickly patrolled the border and went to the river.

"We are going to work on fighting in the water, to as the cat is swimming you knock their paws out from under them." perchtoe demonstrated with heronwing "try it out"

tuftypaw and featherpaw worked together until they almost got it perfect.

"let's try it in the water now." perchtoe suggested 

all the cats slid in the water.  this time featherpaw worked with waterpaw and tuftypaw worked with perchtoe. once the apprentices mastered the move perchtoe said they could play in the water until sun high.

they splashed each other and had lots of fun and featherpaw realized even though havenheart was not her mother she did have true family in the clan.

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