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Featherpaw's paws made tiny crunching sounds as she followed her mentor Reedstar to the river.

"Now featherpaw you stand like this so your shadow does not fall onto the water and let the fish know you're here.   When one swims by you scoop your paw under it and slap it on the shore." Reedstar said to his apprentice.  The two cats waited together for a long while. 
Suddenly a dark fish-shaped shadow flickered in the blue water. Featherpaw tried her best to do what her mentor told her. She succeeded and got the fish successfully on the shore and killed it with a bite to the head.
"Nice catch! " her mentor exclaimed
Featherpaw took her fish to the fresh-kill pile and was going to practice her newly learned fighting moves with tuftypaw but was interrupted by the other apprentices' marshpaw and seapaw.

"Show off. " seapaw commented
"Excuse me?"featherpaw asked
"Show off. Your a stupid mouse brained daughter of a riverclan fox heart  and a rouge"
This just made feather paw more confused
"Oooh haven't you heard?  Havenheart just revealed to the whole clan that you were not her kit.  She hid you for a rouge friend of hers and a riverclan Tom."
Featherpaw stood there in awe.  She could not believe this.  

"Your just a bunch of no-good bullies!!" Featherpaw hissed fiercely at the other apprentices. 

"Go find out for yourself. " seapaw said back

Featherpaw rushed away from the two other apprentices.  they are just making this up! Featherpaw thought, outraged.  She kept running until she reached the river.  She leaped in without a sencon=d thought and dove, and dove and dove until she reached the bottom of the river.

The current was slow and the water was crystal clear.  fish swam by featherpaw their preditor right beside them.  The older apprentices are such stupid fish brains!  featherpaw thought as she swam under a log.  Featherpaw swam in the depths of the river until her lungs were about to burst.  She swam skillfully to the surface and took the biggest gulp of air she ever had in her whole life.

Suddenly Featherpaw felt a weight pressing her down, back into the depths of clear water.  Wett fur press against her nose, causing her breath to shallow.

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke.  It was reedstar! Her mentor was here!  "You scared me you bee-brain! NEVER EVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!  you are going to be changing bedding for moons.  Now enough messing around let's go back to camp for a meeting"

Featherpaw was overjoyed to hear her mentor's voice.  They both clime out of the river, water steaming off their fur creating little snakes trying to escape back to the river.   Featherpaw relished that the rest of the clan was gathered uber the riverstone.  Reedstar leeped ontoit and sat there majestically until the clan was silent.

"we have just discovered something terrible.  Havenheart lied about her kits, kit I mean.  Featherpaw is not her daughter.  Lightfur a riverclan warrior who disappeared a few hours before featherpaws birth and a rouge are featherpaw's true parents.  Havenheart was pretending."

Havenheart curled her tail tighter around her front paws, not meeting anyone's eyes.  Reedstar continued  "there will be mo punishment for featherpaw.  She strives to be the best apprentice she can be and it does not matter who her parents were.  NO one and I mean NO one will treat her differently.  Havenheart was trying to help a littermate and will be punished lightly."

"make her an apprentice again" Rushtail the elder said

"What do you all think of that?"  reedstar questioned the mass of cats. yowls of agreement greeted this idea.

"it is done Havenheart you temporary mentor will be lizardfoot and will sleep with the apprentices.  please go do your duties."

Featherpaw stayed in the clearing to stunned to move.  reedstar was approaching her.  "This is a lot to take in and I am sorry.  Please go eat some fresh kill and go to sleep."  he said to her composition shining in his eyes.  Featherpaw went straight to her nest and shunt her eyes.  SHe imeaditly fell asleap and dreamt of the clan executing her and seapaw and marshoaw tuaghnting her.

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