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after all the leaders had spoken squirrelstar stepped up to say something

"thunderclan has done lots of wrong in the past, I want to apologize even though I already have I feel bad about what was happened.  please in honor of my father I want to have a daylight gathering to celebrate the new generation of leaders."

"we would love to participate in a daylight gathering.  but at whose territory?" reedstar asked

"wind clan!! riverclan!! thunderclan!! no, the other one was at thunder clan shadowclan!!" the cats below called

"I have an idea to propose" crowstar yowled, silencing the cats below  "we do four days of competition and prey one day at each clan's territory which will plan their own activities and will have prey."

"I agree with crowstar, we should celebrate each clan's skills and the new generation of leaders!"  reedstar yowled

featherpaw was the first to yowl in agreement.  once she called ou all of the cats in the clan yowled with her.

" It is decided then, we will have a four day-daylight gathering.  thunderclan fist since they proposed the idea, then windclan, shadowclan, and then riverclan?" russetstar asked

"yes, the day after the next gathering we will meet in thunder clan territory a little after the sun rises.  to give enough time to plan and prepare"  squirrelstar called

"then it's decided, I think this gathering is at an end, "russetstar called and then leaped off the rock, followed by the other leaders.

featherpaw said her goodbyes to the other apprentices to join her clan.  

"I can't wait!!!" tuftypaw exclaimed in her ear.

"It gonna be so much fun!" featherpaw agreed 

they chatted about the daylight gathering all the way to their nests.  exhausted they curled close to each other and both fell asleep eameadtily.  

when featherpaw woke she shook herself.  havenheart was on the other side of the den.  good.  she is finally leaving me alone.  featherpaw thought

reedstar was waiting for her when she got out of the den with mintfur.  

"greetings" featherpaw called out

"greetings," mintfur said with a dip of her grey head

"want to do some battle practice?" reedstar asked

"yes as long as it's not a secret assessment." she said teasingly

"no we will wait until after the daylight gathering to make you a warrior I think.  you are very skilled but a little young still.  let's go, mintfur wants to join us to see how I teach so when she gets an apprentice from the new litter of kits she is ready." reedstar said with a good-natured swish of his tail.

the three trained all morning and into the afternoon.  the cool leaf-fall air felt good on her sweaty fur as they walked back to camp.

"you are doing well." mintfur noted

"thanks" she responded

"you worked hard, eat a big piece of prey, and rest for the rest of the day, you earned it." reedstar said 

as she did what he asked she worried about what would happen and moonhigh in the beech grove and how much of her blood would be shed...

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