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featherpaw sat down in front of the elders.

"can you tell me how bramblestar died?"  featherpaw asked the elders

"of course.  let me see.  oh, right there was a great battle between thunderclan and riverclan.  both bramblestar and mistystar lost both of their remaining lives.  All of us were young and fought hard in the battle.  you see we were fighting over how thunderclan always bosses the other clans around.  thunderclan took a great offense to this and we started a war of sorts between thunderclan and riverclan.  thunderclan wanted to have warriors in all of the other clans' camps making sure that they were not wasting prey through the hard drought.  we fought against them and after many moons, the two leaders decided that they would battle.  They both bit each other's throughts at the same time and lost all of their remaining lives.  squirrelflight now squirrelstar swor that all can be equal and thunderclan backed off."  pebblefoot explained 

"wow.... that was amazing!" featherpaw exclaimed  "thank you all so much!   I am sorry but I have to go.  thank you again!"  and with that featheraw rushed out of the elders den.

she went to the river and fished happily thinking about the story.  It could have used some rythem or something like that.  the words were powerful but got lost with no rythem.  if only they sang the stories. featherpaw thought to herself.

after a while of fishing featherpaw was pleased with her pile of fish.  she grabbed as much as she could carry and dropped it at the fresh kill pile.  she had to do two more trips before she got it all.

"show off" A voice behind her said

featherpaw turned know it was seapaw that spoke "excuse me? I was hunting for the clan and if you don't mind seastar I would like to take some fish to the elders."  featherpaw spat.

then she turn grabbed three smaller fish and left seapaw stunned.  

"I was fishing and thought I would bring some fish for you guys." featherpaw said as she poked her head in the den.

"thanks." rushtail said as he took the fish and passed them out to pebblefoot and pouncetail

she walked out of the den happily and chose a fish for herself.  suddenly paws grasped her and pulled her into the shadow..........

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