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featherpaw wanted to yowl but claws stabbed at her through. she struggled but the claws did not realize so she lay limp.

"not so great no are you featherpaw" it was seapaw

"let me go" featherpaw struggled to say

"meet me at moonhigh tomorrow, we will battle at the beach grove claws out." seawpaw whispered

the grip on her through realized enough for her to speak.

"ok, I will" featherpaw said back then she ran back out into the clearing trying to act as nothing happened.

she finished her fish and went over to tuftypaw and they groomed each other and shared tounges.

"Let all cats old enough to swim gather beneath the Riverstone" reedstar called

the two aprentices join the other cats under the smooth rock.

"Its is almost time to travel to the full moon gathering. Featherpaw, tuftypaw, waterpaw, and marshpaw will go. Seapaw I want you to remain here to guard the camp. Pearchtoe heronwing, troutshimer, and oakshine shall go. The elders are welcome to cone along if they are feeling up to it. Cats that are going eat now and then we will leave." Reedstar jumped off of the riverstone a d trotted over to featherpaw.

"Hey since you already ate. Could you fish for a little bit?" Ue asked her

"Of course reedstar!" Featherpaw said.

She bounded to the river. She fished until the sun dipped down until in touched the mountains. In the end featherpaw had cought a very respectable pile of large fish. Reedstar trotted over to her and looked at her proudly.

"Congratulations you just passed your hunting assignment." He told featherpaw. She stood there, stunned.
"Let's carry this back to camp, then we will go to the gathering." Reedstar continued.

They both got large mouth fills of fish and carried it to the fresh kill pile.

The clan traveled to the gathering and waterpaw managed to fall into the river.

Once they got to the gathering featherpaw and her former siblings padded over to some thunderclan and windclan apprentices. Featherpaw shared the good news of her assessment.

Squirrel star and her deputy ivypool spoke first of good prey. Crow star of windclan and his deputy breezpelt said prey was running well. Russetstar and his deputy tawnypelt said the same thing. When it was reedstar and mintfurs turn they spoke of how she passed her first assessment. Her chest filled with pride.

It was her this time, not seapaw, not havenheart, her it was her and that made her proud.

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