Chapter 25.

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Kie, Sarah and I were sitting in the twinkie looking at a drawing of the well and our plan to get the gold out.

"Who drew this?" I asked looking at the drawing

"Who do you think?" Kie said looking at Pope making us all laugh

"Kie, this better work" JJ said coming up to the van throwing the gold on the floor "We can't pawn this if there's a giant wheat symbol on it"

"It's going to work" Kie said confidently holding up a welding torch and her and JJ went off to melt the gold down as I sat with John B and Sarah against the tree.

"I can't believe you actually found it" I said to my brother

"I can't believe you doubted me" He said with a smile

"I promise, I never will again" I laughed leaning on his shoulder

After the gold was melted down, terribly might I say. We headed down to the Pawn shop to try and get some cash.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr Frankenstein" JJ said to Kie

"Like you could've done better" She said back

"I could have, I took a welding class" JJ said

"When?" I asked him, never knowing that he took a welding class

"Hey, sh. Chill out okay?" John B said coming in front of us

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to pawn this piece of shit off" JJ said

"Yeah how did we get this job anyway?" I asked the group that decided JJ and I would be the best two to sell the gold.

"Because you are the best liar" Pope said "And everyone always believes everything you say" Pope said to me, I just nodded because it was true.

"Afternoon ma,am" JJ said to the lady behind the counter as the other pogues split up in the shop "I see you buy gold" He said

"That's what the sign says, isn't it?' She said not wanting to deal with JJ

"Well I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind" JJ said building anticipation

"I ain't got much mind left to blow kid, so have at it" She said

"Here, see for yourself" I said passing her the gold

"That ain't real" She called bluff "It can't be"

"Feel how heavy it is" JJ said "Let's get some light on that"

"Spray painted tungsten" She said doubting us

"Why don't you see how soft it is?" I told her and she picked up a little nail hitting the gold

"Wow would you look at that" JJ said

"Hold your horses, we ain't got to the acid test yet" She said

"Ooh, the acid test. My favourite" He said looking at me

"Well, it ain't plated and it ain't painted" She said shocked

"Ma'am, I'm telling you this is as real as the day is long" I looked at him confused at his saying

"It looks like somebody tried to melt it down" She raised her eyebrow at us

"My mom" I said suddenly "She had all this jewellery laying around the house and she thought it was best to melt it down. To consolidate it" I said with a smile

"Seven pounds? That's a lot of earrings" She said back to me not believing me

"Okay, to be honest ma'am. It's really hard to see our mum fall apart with Alzheimers" JJ said putting his arm around me, I had to hide my laugh

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