"After a hurricane, they ditch them because they're mouldy" JJ said beside me, I turned to look at him wondering how he knew that when he pushed past me and put his arms on John B's shoulders.

"Oh! Be so careful, John B" JJ said mimicking Kie

"Get off" John B said annoyed at his best friend

"Oh, give me that John D already" At this point I burst out laughing which made John B turn around and glare at JJ and I

"Oh come on, when are you going to swoop on that?" I asked my brother, knowing he liked Kie.

"You two know the rule, no pogue on pogue macking" John B said to us

"Besides, you always hit on her" John B said to JJ

"Of course I hit on her, she's a super hot, rich, hippie chick slumming with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares bro? I know that door's locked because I've tried it. Have you?" JJ said, making my heart drop a little bit, I knew he flirted with Kie but I couldn't help but think if she flirted back would they have hooked up?

"Besides I'm not interested, I have my eye on someone else now" JJ said with a smirk

"You need help" I said to JJ, annoyed at him because he is interested in another girl, he's never told us about another girl though.

"Not a little help, you need a lot of help" John B said to his best friend "It's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're like uhh" John B made a weird grunting noise which actually suited the conversation perfectly.

JJ just shrugged his shoulders as we reached door number 29.

"Do we just open it" I asked the boys as JJ put his arm above me and knocked on the door "Housekeeping" He said in a high pitched voice, John B and I let out a chuckle

"Should we try it?" John B asked us

"No power. No security cameras, no ones going to know" I said shrugging my shoulders

We opened the door and instantly the smell of mould made me pull my shirt up above my nose.

"This is disgusting" I said to the boys as they began shuffling through bags and drawers.

I saw a map on the bedside table which didn't make a lot of sense to me but JJ came over noticing the map

"Maybe this is where they were fishing" JJ asked John B

"No, that's off the continental shelf, that's a big swell, no body fishes there" John B said as I made my way into the bathroom.

"Standard, tissues for when you get lonely" I heard JJ say

"You'd know" I said laughing at the boy as he came into the bathroom about to say something back to my comment

"Did you two find anything" John B called out

"A really awesome dopp kit that your sister won't let me steal" JJ said looking at me

"Cause we're not stealing shit" I said to JJ "You've already hit your stealing quota for the day with the pen"

"That was free anyway Sav, doesn't count" JJ said back to me again

"Uh guys, you might want to see this" John B called out and JJ and I came from the bathroom to see John B looking into the safe with wide eyes. We bent down to his level to see a whole pile of money and a gun.

"Dude, dude, dude! You grabbed the gun" John B said to JJ. Of course he grabbed the gun.

"This is a SIG Sauer, this is a fucking spendy gatt man!" JJ said way too excitedly as he began to pretend to shoot things in the room "Bam, bam, bam"

"JJ put the gun down, we aren't stealing shit" I said standing right infront of JJ

"Just take a pic of me. Right here, like this" JJ said holding the gun up

"You want me to take a picture of you?" I asked not knowing if he was actually being serious

"Make our own incriminating evidence? Is that what you're talking about?" John B said next to me as I walked towards the window while the boys were arguing.

"Wait, shut up. Did you hear that?" I asked the boys as I opened the blinds spotting Kie and Pope waving their arms around motioning to the door.

"Shit Cops" John B called out from the window by the door as we all shuffled around having no idea how we were going to get out of this. I looked out the window and noticed a little ledge that we could stand on.

"Come out here boys" I called John B and JJ over while opening the window.

"We won't all fit Sav" John B said

"Well we don't have another option, do we?" I said annoyed at his comment

John B went out the window first and went to one side and I went to get out next and noticed one side was a bit longer so JJ and I could both fit if we squished together. I pulled JJ out after me and found myself with my back against the brick wall and JJ pushed completely against me, we were face to face and the closest we have ever been.

Even though the situation was totally terrifying and we were about to be caught by the cops any second, I looked up at JJ who was looking into the window watching the cops and I felt so safe.

"You okay?" JJ said looking right into my eyes, he must've noticed my heavy breathing.

"As okay as I can be right now" I said trying to not show how nervous I was, he smirked down at me which caused my foot to slip a little of the ledge and JJ grabbed my hand and pulled me back up against the wall, his fast movement caused the gun in his pocket to fall out and hit the roof making a big bang, getting the attention of Shoupe.

JJ pushed me against the wall even more that our foreheads were touching, he looked at John B who wasn't impressed.

"Shit, I'm sorry" I whispered to JJ

"Sav shh, it doesn't matter just shh" JJ said looking right into my eyes.

Once we heard the cops leave and Kie and Pope told us the coast was clear we went back into the hotel room and made our way back down to the boat, I saw JJ sneak off and grab the gun he dropped though as he caught me rolling my eyes.

"Well that was fun, could've warned us a little sooner" JJ said to Kie and Pope

"We would've but Pope was on the maths team" Kie said looking at Pope, I think we missed something here.

"The cops took everything like it was a crime scene" John B asked curious

"Not everything" I said with my eyebrow raised

"Did you guys find anything?" Pope asked me

"No, I don't think so" JJ said, reaching into his pockets "Oh yeah, we did" He said pulling out the gun and a handful of cash.

"What the hell?" Pope yelled at the boy "Why take that from a crime scene?"

"Better than the cops having it" JJ said back

"Are you serious?" Kie said looking straight at me

"Kie, what? I can't control him" I said annoyed that I was getting the blame, Kie just shook her head and turned away from me.

The pogues and I made our way back to the Coast Guard to see if we could report the boat now that they were quieter when we noticed the commotion of the police pulling a dead body off a boat.

"Who's that?" I asked a blonde girl I recognized from school but couldn't remember her name.

"It's Scooter Grubbs, he was out during the storm" She said showing us her phone "Check out this pic I got" She showed us the photo of the dead body and I nearly gagged.

"What kind of boat did he have?" I asked the girl

"Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady White, everyone's out looking for it" She said, making me look straight at John B with wide eyes.

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