Chapter 27: Stages

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"Spill." Ruby said, her glare shifting between the four people standing before her team. "What's going on with Ozpin?"

"We don't know what you're talking about." Jaune said. Scowling at them. "How can we trust you? Your all buddy buddy with Ironwood and he's basically ruling Atlas right now."

"Wow, I am really acting like a jerk" said Jaune

"One other thing, while these version of you guys were friends, your teams weren't as close as you guys are" said Rex

"That explains it" muttered Jaune

"We have our own secrets from Ironwood." Blake said. The cat faunus sounded fed up with the others, as if she found their behavior abhorrent.

"So what? Your hiding things form the guy leading the charge against Salem." Jaune said. "That doesn't make you trustworthy. All it means is that you don't trust people, that you've decided to handle this war yourselves. Look around Ruby, you can't win this. You can't, Ironwood can't, no one can."

"Jaune, my only goal though all of this is to protect those that need me to." Ruby said. She leaned forward. "I don't care who stands between me and that goal. Whether it's you or Ironwood standing in our way."

The theatre smiled at the other Ruby's words

"And we can trust that?" Jaune practically snarled. "You joined the White Fang! They were there at the fall, they helped the fall. Some of them tried to kill us, some of them were there to kill you."

"Jaune. We can't do this alone, team RWBY were our friends at Beacon." Ren said, placing a hand on his leader's shoulder. "If we can trust anyone it's them."

"Fine." Jaune said. Turning to face them again he glared. "We found out Ozpin lied to us. He didn't tell us the truth about the war with Salem, he left parts out and refused to defend himself when we found out."

"Did he?" Weiss said. Jaune, Ren and Nora simply stared at her in surprise. "Did he refuse? Or did you simply not let him like you have been trying to do to us for the past hour?"

That caused the people in the theatre to pause and think. Had they given Ozpin a chance to explain, or had they been so angry, they didn't care to listen.


"Answer the question." Blake said, her fingers brushing along the edge of her gem. The cat faunus looked truly angry for the first time that Jaune could recall. "Did you or did you not give him a chance to explain?"

"I don't know, okay!" Jaune said, throwing his hands up in the air. "It wasn't exactly a calm situation, I don't know what we did or said okay? Can you get off my back already?"

"Their right." Everyone looked to Oscar, his quiet voice cutting through the developing silence. "Their right, maybe if we'd given him a moment longer, a better chance maybe he'd be here and we could depend on his help."

"I think our other selves are right, I think we should give him a chance, if he wants to come out that is" said Oscar

"Yeah, I don't think we actually let him speak after we found out the truth." said Yang

"Ozpin, can we actually talk now" Ruby said looking at Oscar

Everything was silent for a few moments, everyone was almost ready to give up, when Oscars eyes flared green

"Well, if you wish to talk, then let's talk" said Ozpin

"Why did you not tell the truth about you and Salem" asked Yang

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