Chapter 13: Errant Chasm

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"Defend the gate!" A blonde boy slashed a dagger across his arm. "If the shadows reach that they reach the Velvet Room!"

"Huh, what's this?" asked Weiss

"A flashback, you'll se more of what happens here" said Rex

"Damn it! Scarlet's down!" A girl stood on a hovering tower called out to the others. "I don't know if Iverstand can take another hit here!"

"We've got your back Jess!" A boy reached out and drove the blade of a dagger into his hand. "Winter! Diamond Dust! "

A blast of jagged ice engulfed one of the approaching shadows. Several more blasts of energy, some green, some red, others black and red and some more were bright white. The fight would rage for hours upon hours, the six persona wielders raging across the battlefield and fighting to their last stand.

"Summer! Blazing Hell! " A dome of pure heat and fire rose from the ground to engulf their enemies. The red haired girl turned her gaze to the side and pointed her persona that way. " Inferno! Oak! Things could stand to get a little wild!"

"So they guy's name is Oak, good to know" said Jaune

"Gotcha!" The blonde who seemed to lead the group slashed his hand. "Come, Ozma! Makarakarn! "

"Wait, what" said Oscar

"Ozma, isn't that Ozpins first life" asked Blake

"Yup, so funny story, this teams personas are based off of the four maidens, Ozma and Salem." said Rex

"Woah, really" asked Jaune

"Yup, Iverstand is based off of the story of the girl in the tower and from what you learned about Salem's backstory, she is the girl in the tower, the rest of them are the same names as the legend their based off of."

A wall of light sprung up in front of the girl on the tower. The group was battered closer and closer to the gateway behind them. The wave of enemy shadows rippling through the caves and getting ever closer to it. They blasted out waves of elemental magic to knock the shadows back.

They held for hours upon hours before the first of their ranks fell. A black haired girl fell first, her persona, Autumn, fading alongside her. The lantern of a Jack O'Lantern had cracked through her skull and left her laying on the ground unable to do anything.

"Oh no" said Ruby

"Jacklyn!" The blonde from before stared in horror as his friend collapsed. "No! Hells Gate! "

A door slammed down in front of the enemy group and opened. Once the steel gate swung open a stream of devastating crimson and black flame engulfed the advancing shadows. The tide of energy remained for moments before the gate faded. Most of the shadows were gone. There were six of them and now one was dead.

Everyone looked down in sadness for a few seconds

"Oh god, this is it isn't it?" A black haired boy stared at the body of their team mate. "We're going to die, oh god."

"If we die here we take every one of them with us!" A girl with bright pink hair stood. Quickly spinning a blade in hand she jabbed it into her thigh. "Come, Spring! Heaven's field! "

A beam of bright light blasted from the ground over every enemy and the persona users. While the user's wounds healed the shadows screamed in agony, several bursting apart as the light tore through their bodies. The pink haired girl was left panting for a moment before turning on her heel and ordering another attack.

"Thanks for the pick me up, Scarlet!" The girl on the tower, Jess, called down. "Heads up team! We've got a big bad incoming!"

"Salem." The blonde, Oak, growled out, he drew his blade over his palm once more. "Keep her busy, if we die here-"

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