Chapter 1: Pits of the Mind

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It was an early morning on the island of Patch, a light snowfall beginning to layer the ground. A bright deep red cloak stood out against the snowy backdrop as a shrouded figure kneeled in front of a grave. The only marking on the grave was that of a rose, its petals scattering in the wind. The figure stood slowly, the cloak billowing in the wind.

"Hey, it's Ruby," said Jaune

"Where is she?" said Weiss

Ruby was looking down in sadness and Yang was comforting her.

"That's our moms grave," said Yang

"Oh" was heard throughout the room.

"It was nice talking to you again mom." A young woman's voice came from the figure as they turned to walk back across the field. Taking a step forward she paused as the snow crunched under her foot. With a heavy sigh she kept walking, leaving was always hard. As she walked she became more and more on guard, it was rare to make this journey without seeing any Grimm. The woods were silent, the only sound her own footsteps.

Something was wrong, very very wrong. She needed to hurry and get out of here. Beginning to run she froze for a moment. Spinning in place she was left in awe as the snow stuttered to a stop. Only to find moments later that that awe began to become terror as the sky slowly bleed away into shades of red. The snow began to fall again only now it was tinted in shades of red.

"What the heck?!" said Yang

"That's never happened before" said Ruby

"Uh, Renny, why is the sky red" asked Nora

"I don't know" awnsered Ren.

"Wha- what is this?" The girl stumbled back a step. The world had seemed to shift around her and suddenly the forest was alive with the sounds of the Grimm. She stepped back and turned to face the source of the noise. Gripping her weapon she moved towards the source only to stop dead in her tracks as she found it.

A swirling pit of darkness surrounded by small Grimm and twisting black masses of some kind of ooze. There were hundreds of them and the woman was left to watch as more climbed from the pit. What she was looking at was a vision of hell itself, one of Remnants greatest fears. The woman is left staring in horror at the sight. More and more creatures were slowly forming while some left entirely.

"What is this?!" asked Jaune

"Keep watching to find out" said Rex

Lunging forward as her weapon unfolded into a large scythe she moved to attack. Quickly finding her path blocked by a pair of the ooze creatures she had to change her plans. Stooping and twisting her body to cut the two creatures in half with a smirk. Said smirk quickly fell as her blade passed through the creatures without harming them. Taking a hit from one of the ooze monsters she was sent across the field.

"Wait, it didn't do anything, what kind of grimm is that ooze" asked Weiss

"The kind that's not a Grimm, keep watching"

Standing up with her weapon in hand she realised she was surrounded. There were Grimm everywhere but she couldn't get to them past the ooze monsters and she couldn't hurt the ooze. Desperately searching around for an opening had her twisting and turning for a moment before she stopped, it was hopeless.

"Oh no, this isn't good" said Ruby

Suddenly screaming out she dropped her weapon and clutched at her head. It felt like someone was drilling into her skull. Silver light flickered in her eyes as she screamed into the night, many of the ooze creatures hesitating while the Grimm seemed to freeze for a moment.

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