Chapter 3: Training

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"You'll have to do better than that in the pits!" Raven barked out as she watched Blake and Yang spar. The two were making liberal use of their personas. They had all quickly realized that training had some random aspects, each persona had some special ability that could happen at a moments notice. "There's no mercy to the Grimm so why show them any!"

"Auntie Raven's scary." Qrow nodded. Ruby was sitting at a table, Crescent Rose lay in front of her fully disassembled. Raven had told her that if it was possible to channel aura into a weapon then magic was only a step up. Ruby was tasked with channeling curse energy, she was far better with curse than wind, into her scythe. "Uncle Qrow I don't get it. I know the concept should work in theory but no matter what I try it doesn't work."

"Really? I mean all you're doing is channeling your aura, I don't see the problem." Qrow grinned at his niece's annoyed look. She looked like he'd just stolen her cookies, an adorable look of betrayal and anger.

"No I'm not! It's not my-" Ruby froze for a moment. She grinned at Qrow. "No I'm not! That's it!"

"What has she figured out?" asked Ren

"Keep watching"

Ruby set out putting her weapon back together, rapidly scoping pieces off the table and reattaching them to her weapon in proper order. Overall the process took her three point zero two seconds. Raven whistled at that, clearly impressed. Ruby took a breath and stood up, quickly making her way to a clear spot in the clearing she got ready.

Most of the people in the theatre whistled along with Raven

"Okay Sanguine, let's do this." She muttered as she reached into herself, feeling around for her persona. Finding her aura waiting for her already off to the side knowing it wasn't her goal today. Ruby dived deeper until she reached Sanguine deep within herself.

"It's not part of her Aura?" asked Blake.

"No, as Rex explained earlier, they're creatures of the heart where as aura is a manifistation of our soul." said Jaune.

"Right on Jaune"

"Curse is volatile. Its purpose is to hurt, not to protect." Ruby had to agree, the power sometimes felt like it had it's own goal. "You can not have one without the other. A weapon of war is also a tool of peace."

"Wise words" said Weiss

The gem on her belt glowing brightly. Ruby reached out and grasped her persona's power. Red and black energy briefly crackled around her like lightning. Ruby grit her teeth, curse magic was not meant to be a shield and she was channeling it as one. Pushing the energy down and pulling it back in Ruby forced it to follow a path she set. She heard it long before seeing it.

Opening her eyes revealed the bright red glow just out of the corner of her eye. Crescent Rose's blade crackled with curse magic, the red energy tracing the blade and dancing across the metal framework. Ruby grinned and could feel Sanguine's satisfaction alongside her own.

"Good work kid." Ruby turned to look at Raven. The bandit woman held a pair of simple daggers. "Now you know it can be done, let's move onto another problem. You're useless without that scythe."

"I've gotten better" said Ruby 

"Yes you have sis" said Yang.


Weiss stumbled back as a blue beowulf slammed into her. It was followed by a dozen more. Slowly the blizzard around her subsided and the beowulfs started to fade away. Weiss was frustrated, ever since finding that pit or whatever it was she'd been trying to hide Renegade Storm from her father. Fearing that the man would somehow find a way to take her away and now she was also hiding it from her sister.

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