Chapter 20: New Guard

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(We're at the half way point)

"Hm." Igor brought his hands together as the Velvet room glowed and shifted. With only one guest at the moment the room wouldn't need to balance two hearts. The room slowly settled and Igor found himself in a large weapons grade bullhead blasting above an ocean. "She truly is a defender."

"Woah, what happened to the velvet room" asked Blake

"The room changes to match the guest it's attending, Akira felt that he was trapped in a prison so the velvet room manifested as such. But Ruby is different and her velvet room manifests differently. Igor will explain why it's like this later" explained Rex

"Master, there's been a change in the compendium. Oh this is lovely" Lavenza came into the room. Igor took a glance at the cockpit of the warship before focusing back on Lavenza. "It would seem she's gained a new bond, someone of the death arcana."

"What is their persona?" Igor said. He knew of very few persona from Remnant that fit within the death arcana.

"Hecatomb, the people's sacrifice." Lavenza said. She frowned at the book as she flipped through the pages. "That's only five of the arcana however, will it be enough?"

"It will have to be. Lavenza." Igor's gaze stayed with the large mechanical doorway, it's intricate glowing purple lines casting a deep glow. Gravity Dust if her recalled. "It will have to be."


Raven stepped out of her portal and into the bustle of an active bandit camp. Her husband stepping out behind her barely caught her attention over the lack of activity. Her men were just standing around and talking. Vernal was sitting on a crate nearby looking defeated. Raven cleaved her sword through one of the crates by her entry point and all sound stopped.

"What." She said, her tone barely above normal levels. "Exactly is going on here? Would anyone like to explain why they are doing nothing? "

"Uh sorry ma'am." One of the bandits stepped forward, stuttering as he spoke clearly terrified. "We weren't sure when you'd be back so as we-"

"Not you Shade, you do nothing anyway." Raven ignored the man as he slumped and turned back in relief. "The rest of you?"

The audience laughed at the remark

"Raven don't you thin your taking things a-"

"Tai I swear if you say too far I will actually divorce you."

"-Little too light?" Raven stared at him for a moment before nodding and turning away. "To be fair to them Rae, you weren't exactly planning to leave for a year."

"I hate that you're here because now I have to listen to reason."

"That why you left without me last time?"

"No, I had an argument with our wife." Raven turned back to the bandit clan and left Tai to think that over. "Alright idiots, new mission. We're going to gather everything we need to become a combat worthy militia, unfortunately we need to do so legally."

"Huh?" said Yang and Ruby

"OUR, wife?" asked Ruby

"I have no idea" said Yang

"An argument with...?" Tai muttered. "What?"

"Dad sounds just as confused" said Yang

"So I'll need each of you to get jobs, yeah, I know it sucks but we have six months at best." Raven stalked forward. "Luckily, huntress job postings pay ridiculous amounts and I have the authority to sign up for..." Raven checked her scroll. "Myself and up to ten associates on the Vale clean up crew. Oh look at that, nothing says my associates need huntsmen licenses."

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